Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"So now whatcha wanna do?" I asked as Juliet took my hand and headed down the street away from the hospital. "We've still got a while."

Juliet came to a halt, making me halt as well. I watched her as she looked at me while she thought.

"Anything you wanna do?" she asked.

I shrugged as my phone went off. Juliet kept a hold of my hand as I took my phone from my pocket and looked at who was calling. It was Jake.

"Sorry, gotta take this," I said, glancing at Juliet.

She just nodded as I answered.


"Hey man, you comin' home any time?"

"I told you I wasn't gonnna be home last night," I said. "Y'know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know. Was just wonderin' when you're gonna be back."

I looked at Juliet as I contemplated what to do. She just looked back at me, smiling.

"Well I guess I can head over there now," I said, going back to my conversation with Jake. "Not really doin' anything at the moment."

"Alright Andy. See you in a bit."

He hung up and I put my phone away, Juliet watching me curiously.

"C'mon," I said. "I wantcha to come meet someone."

I started walking again, Juliet still holding my hand as we walked back to my place. I opened the door when we got back and went inside. Juliet closed the door after herself and followed me into the living room. Jake looked up as he saw me.

"Hey Andy," he said as Juliet came to a halt next to me.

He looked over at her, but didn't say anything. I glanced at her then looked back to Jake.

"This' Juliet," I said, putting my arm around her as she gave Jake a smile. I looked to Juliet. "This' Jake."

Jake gave her a smile and a wave then looked to me.

"The others went out again," he said, making me nod. "They'll probably be back a bit later though."

"Alright," I said in response.

He nodded in return then went back to whatever he'd been doing.


"Yo Andy! Ashley's at the door! He's kinda just lettin' himself in!"

I sighed and looked to Juliet apologetically as I headed out of my room and downstairs, her in tow. Ashley gave me a wave as he saw me, Jake having gone back to the living room.

"Hey hey," he said in greeting. He looked to Juliet and gave her a wave as well. "Why hey there."

Juliet gave him a smile and then he looked back to me.

"So anyway," he said. "Just thought I'd come by, letcha know that Vic, Mike and Jinxx are on their way over as well to hang out for a bit..."

"Really Ash?" I said, making him grin at me.

He shrugged casually.

"You should've expected it from me Andy," he said. He headed off into the living room. "They'll be here 'round five!"

I looked to Juliet apologetically, but she just smiled in amusement and followed Ashley into the living room. I just sighed to myself and followed. The other three were back now, and CC glanced up as I came in and sat down on the sofa next to Juliet.

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now