Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Andy's Point of View:

Ashley was the first one I saw when I woke. My head was hurting and I couldn't quite focus, but I was pretty sure it was Ashley.

"What happened?" I asked, making Ashley look over and away from his phone as I tried to sit up a bit.

I saw the expression on his face as I managed to finally focus a bit more.

"You passed out," he said, his expression serious and slightly pissed off. "You've been out for over twenty-four hours and you're at the hospital."

"What?" I said in disbelief, more awake now. "Over twenty-four hours?"

Ashley nodded.

"Mmhm," he said, his expression and tone not as serious anymore. "It's nearly-." He looked at his phone. "-eleven-thirty Friday morning."

I sighed, feeling really bad and stupid about this whole situation. Ashley looked at me sadly and got up, moving his chair so that it was directly next to the bed. I watched as he sat down again.

"Andy, look," he said with a sigh. He looked down. "I know you probably feel bad 'bout this whole situation; I can see it in your expression, but as long as you know you've got people here for you, people that care. We wanna help 'cause we wantcha here man."

He looked up and caught my gaze, looking at me sadly. When I didn't answer, he sighed.

"Alright then, let's try somethin' different," he said, making me frown. He smiled. "I know you haven't been feeling great due to one thing or another, and so I may or may not have made a few calls, and I know for a fact, that after much debating and arguing between parents – that aren't mine – there's a special someone on their way to come see you..."

I frowned and Ashley kept smiling, clearly pleased with himself for what he'd done. He kept watching me as I tried to figure out what he was saying. Realisation crossed my face and Ashley grinned.

"You didn't."

He nodded cheerfully. "I did! Juliet said she should be here by tomorrow."

I laughed and Ashley kept smiling at me.

"Thanks Ash," I said, not able to stop smiling.

Ashley shrugged casually and leant back in the chair.

"No big deal Ando," he said. "Just tryin' to help and make ya feel a bit better. I know Vic, Mike and Jinxx are workin' on a way here to come see ya, 'cause they know what's happened. I know Ronnie can't get here 'cause he's still under watch and Deryck can't make it either."

He smiled at me and I found myself smiling back, but that smile faded as the doctor and some other guy came into the room. They came to a halt at the bedside.

"Hi there Andy; good to see you're awake," the doctor said. "How're we feeling today?"

"Really stupid and like a complete fuck up," I answered truthfully.

"Andy," Ashley scolded. "Really?"

I looked to him. "She asked how I feel. That's how I currently feel."

Ashley sighed and looked to the doctor apologetically. I looked back to the doctor who returned my look.

"How're you feeling physically and mentally?" she asked, specifying what she'd originally wanted to know as she waited to write down my answer.

I looked at her for a bit. If it was something I got sick of doing, it was this. I sighed.

"Physically, I feel ridiculously tired, my head is pounding and I feel quite sick," I said, knowing exactly how this all worked. "Mentally...I just really hate myself, not just 'cause of what I've done to end up in here."

Unbroken (#3 in the 'Outcast' series)Where stories live. Discover now