Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Juliet and I stopped talking as Ashley came in and sat down on the chair next to the bed.

"Don't mind me," he said, leaning back and looking at us. "Keep talkin'. Pretend I'm not here..."

"It's gonna be hard to talk when we know you're gonna be interjecting whenever you feel like it," I said, Juliet just smiling in amusement.

Ashley shrugged. "Well maybe someone'll come 'round and whisk me away somewhere."

"I could only be so lucky."

Ashley laughed and gestured for me to go back to talking to Juliet. I just shook my head and he took his phone out, clearly reading something.

I looked back to Juliet. Ashley kept laughing as he read whatever it was that he was reading, and it kept interrupting my conversation with Juliet.

After about five minutes, I looked to Ashley in annoyance.

"What in the world're you even reading?" I asked as Juliet shifted her position and Ashley laughed again.

"Fan fiction," he said. "They're in the middle of a strip twister match."

"The fuck's that?" I asked with a frown.

"A great game," Ashley said, looking up and meeting my gaze.

I sighed. "Do I really wanna know how it works?"

"I can't believe you've never played it before," Ashley said with a shake of his head.

Juliet looked to me. "It's basically one of those games where if you lose or screw up, you have to take a piece of clothing off."

I looked to Ashley.

"Why the fuck would I have played that?" I asked. Ashley shrugged and went back to reading. "You ever played it?"

He looked up at me. "That's an incident we don't like to talk about."

I just shook my head again as he smiled and went back to reading.

"So what's the fan fiction actually about?" I asked.

Ashley shrugged. "Things with a side of stuff."

"Well who's it involve?"


"What? Hang on," I said. "Let me get this straight. You're reading a fan fiction about Metallica playing strip twister?"

"Mmhm," Ashley said, smiling in amusement at whatever he'd just read. "It's AU, so it's allowed."

"I don't think I'll ever understand the world of fan fiction," I said to Juliet, as Ashley had gone back to laughing to himself.

"It's getting pretty intense," Ashley continued. He looked at me. "Man, when you're outta here, we're playing strip twister."

"No fucking way am I playing that unless I'm completely drunk outta my mind and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing," I said, Juliet laughing.

"That can easily be arranged," Ashley said with a smile.

I shook my head and looked to Juliet.

"I'll only play if you play as well," I said with a smile which probably gave away what I was thinking.

Juliet hit me on the arm and I laughed.

"I don't play; I just watch," she said, reaching forwards and kissing me.

"Then I guess we're not playing," I said before she kissed me again.

Ashley sighed as Juliet and I continued to make out.

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