Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

"One hour, twenty minutes and four seconds," Mike said from the doorway of the bathroom as I leant my back against the wall and he looked at his phone. He looked up and looked to me. "Least it wasn't straight away."

I just nodded and Mike looked at me with concern.

"We alright?" I heard Ashley say.

I looked over and saw Ashley standing next to Mike in the doorway. Mike looked to him.

"He's fine," he said just as I quickly moved away from the wall and was sick again. Mike paused. "Ok, I take that back."

Ashley walked in and knelt down next to me.

"You alright?" he asked.

"No," I managed to say just before I was sick once again.

Ashley looked over to Mike sadly.

"How long was it this time?" he asked.

"Nearly an hour and a half," Mike said in response.

Ashley hmmed and looked to me as he thought. He didn't say anything and I moved back to my position against the wall. I leant my head against it and closed my eyes.

"Can I just go home yet?" I asked miserably.

"Afraid not amigo," Ashley said, making me open my eyes. I watched as he moved and sat down next to me, leaning against the wall as well. "Maybe next week if you're doing better."

I just grunted in response and there was a bit of silence.

"So how's the psychiatrist goin'?" Ashley asked outta nowhere, making me look at him as Mike leant against the doorframe.

I shrugged and looked down.

"I dunno; ok I guess," I said, not meeting his gaze. "He's trying; that's the important thing."

"Are you trying?" Ashley asked seriously.

I nodded, but I saw Ashley doubted me. He had the right to; he knew I hated talking to therapists or psychiatrists, and he had every right to doubt me trying. But truth was, I knew I had a problem and I knew it had to be fixed. Without me trying, I wasn't going to get any better and I'd be like this for the rest of my life.

Ashley sighed and got up.

"Alright, let's getcha back up," he said, offering me his hand.

He helped me up, guiding me back to the room, as he knew I always felt a bit unsteady after being sick like that. He sat me down on the bed and I just sat on the edge while I willed my head to stop spinning as much as it was; it always happened after I made myself sick.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, trying to keep my mind on something else.

Ashley shrugged. "I dunno. Vic and Tay went for a walk and I think Jinxx was going to stay in the café for a bit and read. Juliet on the other hand...I dunno where she's gone..."

I nodded, wondering where she was. Mike looked to me.

"So we good for now?" he asked. I nodded. "Alright, well I wanna go grab something to eat. I'll be back in a bit."

Ashley and I both nodded and he headed out. When he was out of sight, Ashley looked to me and spoke.

"Y'think you're ever gonna be ok Andy?" he asked sadly.

I returned the look as I gave him an honest answer.

"Honestly Ash, I dunno."


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