Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

A knock on the door woke me. Juliet cuddled up to me a bit more, clearly having been woken as well.

"Juliet, time to get up," I heard her dad say from outside the closed door. "I'm leaving in about five minutes, so don't go back to sleep. You've got school today."

I groaned tiredly and felt Juliet move. I looked at her tiredly, but she didn't seem to be awake properly.

Her dad called again, but she didn't hear him.

"Your dad's calling you," I said tiredly.

Juliet opened her eyes a bit and looked at me.

"Yeah, I know," she said. "Just don't wanna get up. He won't know if I don't go today."

I smiled and rubbed my eyes tiredly, sighing. Juliet shifted her position, placing her head on my chest. I watched her as she played around with my dog tags.

"You right there?" I asked, putting my arm around her and rubbing my eyes again.

"Mmhm," she said, putting her hand on my chest and looking up at me. "You got any plans for today?"

"Not right now," I said, looking at her. "Why? Whatcha got in mind?"

She looked at me as she thought.

"Was gonna go see how Matt's doing," she said, looking away from me and drawing lines on my chest with her fingers. "I didn't get the chance to go yesterday, so I feel like I should stop by."

"Vic said he doesn't seem to be improving much," I said, just watching her.

Juliet shook her head and looked to me.

"He's really not doing very good at all," she said quietly. "We're all just hoping he pulls through this."

"He will; I promise," I said, pulling her a bit closer as she put her head on my chest again. "We'll go see him a bit later, 'cause it's a bit too early for that right now."

Juliet laughed and closed her eyes. I looked at the ceiling for a bit before I closed my eyes as well and drifted back to sleep.


Juliet halted, bringing me to a halt as well. It was about ten, and we were standing just outside the hospital, as she'd wanted to come see Matt.

"Y'sure I should come along?" I asked. "I mean, I wanna see how he's doing, but I dunno if he'd wanna see me..."

"He'll appreciate it," Juliet said. She reached up and gave me a quick kiss before taking my hand. "Now c'mon. Let's go see if he's awake."

She led me through the hospital, past a few groups of people and down a few corridors. After a few twists and turns, I'd officially lost my way and wouldn't be able to get out by myself. She slowed her pace as we got to one of the rooms, the door ajar.

Juliet let go of my hand and knocked quietly before pushing the door open a bit and heading inside. A guy that looked about our age looked up from the bedside as we came in. He had spiked black hair and I didn't recognise him.

"Hey," he said quietly. "You just missed him. They gave 'im something 'bout ten minutes ago."

"How's he doing?" Juliet asked as I stood behind her, feeling a bit awkward being here.

The guy shrugged and stood up, indicating for us to follow him as he walked past us. We did as told and followed him down to the café they had here. I always found it strange they had that in hospitals, but I guess it was for the people who stayed with their family or friends.

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