Shark Attack

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A/N: I do not own Criminal Case: Pacific Bay nor its characters, all rights belong to Pretty Simple. I only hold rights to my OCs. If you haven't read my first story, The Case Of The Criminal, I would recommend you read that first as parts of this story won't make sense otherwise.

Captain Adalet Sadik-Halvorsen lifted the visor of her helmet as she pulled up into an empty parking space in the employee section of the Pacific Bay Police Department. She pulled the keys out of the ignition and swung her leg off her motorcycle, her two dogs Dean and Hunter jumped out of the custom sidecar and trailed by her sides. She headed to the front glass doors and flashed her new badge at the receptionist as she passed by. She quickly found her new boss's office and knocked twice on the door.

Chief of Police Andrea Marquez opened the door and smiled at her newest recruit. She wore a dark blue suit with badges pinned to her chest and a pencil skirt. She ushered the young woman in and closed the door.

"Hello and welcome to Pacific Bay Captain Adalet," she placed her hands on her hip, "I'm Chief Andrea Marquez Chief of Pacific Bay Police."

"Wonderful to meet you," Adalet smiled adjusting the strap of her tool case.

Andrea scratched her head, "I'm assigning you to two of our Detectives as your partners, one is Senior Detective Frank Knight and well . . . he's on an anger management course right now. Feel free to slap him when you deem necessary."

She laughed, "noted."

"But for now, you'll be partnered with Amy Young, she's new to this job so I'm trusting you to teach her about the job," a knock sounded on her door, "that's her now, come in!"

A young blonde-haired woman dressed in a junior police uniform entered the room. She looked between the two and squealed with delight.

"Nice to meet you Captain Sadik-Halvorsen!" she grinned, "I'm so honoured to be working with you! I've read about all your cases!"

"Just Adalet, it's nice to meet you too," Adalet smiled gently, "these are my dogs, Dean and Hunter."

Amy saluted, "I've never been in the field before . . . but I'll do my best to help! I promise!"

Andrea laughed, "I'm sure you will . . . now Amy, why don't you kick this partnership off by showing Adalet and the dogs around the local landmarks?"

"I'm on it Chief!" she said, "Capt. Adalet, I'll show you the beach first! It's the most beautiful spot in town! You'll love it!"

"Lead the way," Adalet said.

Later at the beach . . .

The two walked down the boardwalk towards the beach. The sun was bright and casts warm rays onto the people walking around. The waves crashed in the distance and seagulls squawked in the sky. Children begged their parents and siblings for ice cream from the local vendors while bikers, borders and skaters rushed around the path.

"So, what do you think of the beach Capt. Adalet?" Amy asked as they stepped down onto the sand.

"It's beautiful," Adalet remarks as she looked at the crashing waves.


Adalet and Amy sprang into action at the sound of someone screaming, they ordered the people nearby to stay away from the water while they investigated.

"These waters are safe from sharks!" Amy informed pointing to the safety line, "they normally don't come this close to the shoreline!"

"There someone in the water!" Adalet cried. About ten yards from the shoreline a shark was thrashing around, a limp body in its mouth.

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