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I woke up and got dressed. I looked at the time, '6:35'. I had an hour before school started, I don't call school the name, I call it.... 'hell.'.
I arrived at the cafè the old lady that I'm friends with works at.

Lady:"Oh, well hello again y/n, same?" I nodded. She gave me the basket and I bowed then left, she gives me it for free.
I arrived at school and people looked at me and backed away as they whispered about me. No one had the guts to even talk to me besides my bullies. I walked inside, hoping to make everyone quiet.
I arrived in class and people put their heads down, trying not to look at me. I sat in the back next to a girl named Akina.

Akina:"Hey..." She said nervously. I ignored her and sat down next to her. Soon class started.
Lunch came and I went to the rooftop to eat. I wasn't used to eating in the canteen after what happened 2 years ago.


Irene:"Y-You lier! You used me!" She yelled as tears rolled down my eyes.

You:"I-I swear Irene, I didn't!" I yelled as Joy smirked behind her. I glared at her and she scoffed.

Joy:"So mean..." She said and I cried as they punished me and Irene left, my only friend... left me. Tears rolled down my eyes as they did all they want to me, hurting me badly with things and their hands and feet.

End of Flashback

Tears flowed through me but I held it in. She... was my last family. I never had any friends after that. Joy left the school and same with her minions. After they left, people became scared of me, thinking I will hurt them for laughing at me. I didn't care about them, unless they hurt me.
I walked home alone until I saw these 2 couples, holding hands and laughing. They turned my way but I put my head down and walked off. That girl... looks familiar to me.
??? POV:

Me:"Stop it Taehyung!" I said and he smiled sheepishly at me. I smiled back and saw that he was looking at something. I turned my head and saw a girl. She looked familiar. She turned her head away and ran.

Taehyung:"Do you know her?" He asked and I shook my head then we left.
Your POV:

I arrived home asked layed on my bed. I looked at the time, '2:48'. I sighed and got dressed into this:

 I sighed and got dressed into this:

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I then left off to the bridge.
I walked on the sidewalk, near the bridge's water. They said a lady died here because of her husband, she committed suicide because he didn't love her.

You:"Smells... fresh.." I said in a whisper. I never speak in school, but I am the top student. I speak to my bullies, they are the only ones to hear my voice. I then saw the guy from earlier. He was looking at the water. Then...

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