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You:"S-Somi!" I yelled and ran towards her as she was laying on Irene's arms. Irene carried her here as I saw a young girl behind her.

You:"What happened to her?!" I said and the girl sighed and sniffed before looking up at me.

???:"S-she... was hit my a bat when we were inside, she went outside and... I don't remember anything but all I remember is she when we got outside, I saw blood and a bat." She said and sniffed. Tears streamed down my face. I hugged the little girl who seemed to be Somi's friend and she hugged me back as Taehyung took Somi go the hospital.
Irene:"Y/n..." She said and I cried into her arms. She hugged me and rubbed my back.

You:"Why did this need to happen to my sister... why me?" I said and cried. Somi's friend was sleeping on the other couch. I felt bad. Then Irene's phone rang.


Taehyung:"Babe! Come to the hospital now!"

Irene:"With Y/n and Somi's friend?"

Taehyung:"Yes now ppali!"
We arrived and I looked at Somi. I was crying real hard. She was in a coma, thanks to that jerk/bitch.

You:"Somi, please wake up and remember me and everyone else..." I said and cried into her arms.
Somi's POV:

I heard my sister crying, but I couldn't move.

You:"Somi, please wake up and remember me and everyone else..." She said and I heard her cry harder. I miss her. I felt really bad. I wanted to say, 'I'm fine, I'm here and I won't leave' but I couldn't since I couldn't move, I'm sorry Y/n-unnie.
Your POV:

I cried my lungs out as I was gonna fall, Someone caught me.

Lisa:"Go to sleep now Y/n." She said and I nodded. Yes, Lisa came 2 hours ago.

You:"No... I.. won't leave... her al-" I knocked out as Lisa sighed and put me on the couch next to Somi's bed.

Lisa:"Night Somi and Y/n." She said before leaving.

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