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We got onto the biggest roller coaster and I sat with a stranger. It was girl, thank god. It then started. I started screaming as other people screamed too. I looked infront of me and saw Irene clinging onto Taehyung. I felt kinda... hurt.
After the ride, Irene and Taehyung finally came out. They kissed then turned to me and smiled. I held in my tears by now.

Taehyung:"I'm hungry, let's go eat!" He said and pulled our hands.
I finished and went out first. I looked around and then felt someone pull me. I tried to scream but it was no use. No one saw me.
I arrived in a dark room. The door opened revealing Lisa and Jungkook.

Jungkook:"Did we scare you y/n?" He asked and I nodded. Lisa smiled and hugged me.

Lisa:"I told you she would get scared." She said to him and he smiled. Then we got out and I saw Taehyung running around with a worried face. I was confused, did Irene disappear?

You:"Yah, Taehyung why are yo-" He ran and hugged me tightly. I was shocked.

You:"So you were worried about me." I whispered and he pulled me tighter. I hugged him back and Irene came running towards us.

Irene:"There you are." She said and I mouthed to her 'Help me.' She understood and pulled Taehyung away as I breathed hard. I soon felt dizzy and fainted.
Taehyung's POV:

I saw Y/n's face, she looked upset. I then saw her go out after eating, she was done.

Irene:"Babe, I'll be ordering a coffe, be back." I nodded.
She came back and drunk her coffee. I started to get worried as Y/n didn't come back. Since the line was long, Irene took 15 minutes. I started to run out and look for her. Then...

You:"Yah, Taehyung why are yo-" I hugged her so tight.

You:"So you were worried about me." She whispered and I pulled her in tighter. She hugged me back.

Irene:"There you are." She said and then Irene pulled me away from y/n as she held her head. She then fainted and I caught her before she fell.

Lisa:"Wow, you hugged her to death Taehyung." Lisa said and I rolled my eyes.

Taehyung:"Oh be quiet and let's take her home Irene." I said and she nodded.

Jungkook:"Hyung, can I talk to you first?" I nodded and he took me somewhere private and then whispered something which made my eyes widen in shock and anger.

Jungkook:"Someone's after her."

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