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xxxxxxxx woke up and saw me crying. He walked towards me but I stopped him by putting my finger up, index finger and stopped him.

You:"D-don't..." I said and started to have another flashback.

xxxxxxxx:"Yah! Y/n answer me~~" He asked annoyed and I was so annoyed that I wanted to shut his mouth up.

You:"SHUT UP!" I yelled with anger. He shut his mouth and I sighed. I turned to him and looked at him. His head was down.

You:"I'm sorry, and yes, I'm alright." He nodded and then went inside the bathroom.

End of Flashback

He ran towards me as he saw me about to fall off.

xxx:"Y/n! Are you feeling alright?" He asked and I sighed.

You:"xxxxxxxx... who are you to me? Why do I feel so much pain and anger around you?" I said and he looked at me.

xxx:"Y/n... is that how you felt around me?" He said. I nodded. He sighed.

xxx:"Then should I leave to make you remember me slowly?" He said and walked away but I pulled his arm back tightly which made an accident, he kissed my lips. My eyes widen as lots of memories came back...

You:"(His name)..." (HAHA! SORRY CAN'T TELL YOU WHO HE IS YET HAHA! Also, who do u guys think he is?)

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