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I was walking when I bumped into someone.

You:"Sorry sir." I said, bowing, holding onto my boyfriend's arm. His eyes widen as I walked by him, smiling to my boyfriend.

???:"Y-Y/n..." He said, sadly as tears streamed down his eyes.
I arrived home, my boyfriend leaving after I got inside the house. I then got a phone call. I saw an unknown number, who was it? I didn't answer and decided to go to sleep and rest for the long day I had today, especially my new work tomorrow I had, I finally was hired after what? 2 months! Let's sleep now.
I woke up, feeling cold and sick. I sighed, deciding to call the boss of the work place that I won't be working today.
Tears filled my eyes as I saw my boyfriend kissing another girl. I walked up to him and slapped him hard.

You:"You jerk! I hate you! I HATE YO-" He slapped me hard, making me fall onto the floor, holding my now very red cheek. Tears rushed down my eyes fastly. We've been dating for 8 months, almost 1 year anniversary, but now, I lost him.

I then felt someone pull me up and hug me by the waist, shocking me. I turned and saw the guy I bumped into, tears in his eyes.

???:"Y/n..." He said, tears now falling down his eyes, making me somehow sad in the heart, it hurts me really bad. I feel like I know him when I don't.

???:"It's me, Taehyung." Flashbacks popped into my head, how I died, How he hurt me, how he chose another girl over me, and my sister and especially... how he loved me. I started to cry, my knees getting weak, but he held onto me tight.

I hit his chest, hitting it hard, making him hold my wrist with one of his hands, stopping me as I cried harder.

You:"Y-you're a jerk! You meanie!! You pabo! I hat-" He kissed me. I was shocked. Tears streamed down my face. He pulled me into the kiss even more.

Taehyung:"I'm sorry... Please, come back to me Y/n... I can't live without you, I was gonna die, but I still had hopes... hopes of you loving me back..." He said, tears streaming down our faces. I smiled, wiping away his tears as he wiped away mine.

Taehyung:"Please... come back to me..." I smiled. I then decided to prank him, he deserves it for ruining my little heart.

You:"N-no, I won't come back with you Taehyung, you ruined my heart once already." I said, tears streamed down his face. I felt really bad, I wiped them away and kissed his lips. I smiled in the kiss.

You:"I'm just joking! Of course, I will come back to you... Kim Taehyung." He smiled, people clapping as we went home.
Okay, first of all, I'm sorry okay? I know I haven't done lot's of stuff, but I've been busy with school these past few days. I've had friend problems this year too. I feel hurt, but I won't share why, I have many things I keep inside me, behind the smile I put on everyday.

This is just a bonus chapter, thanks for 8K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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