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I was walking back to the dorm as Taehyung was busy hanging out with his new friends. I didn't mind, I didn't really have any friends with me anyway. I then was tripped. I stood up and looked at my knee, it was bleeding.

???:"What a whore." She said and I looked up to see a girl I haven't met or even knew yet. I titled my head confused in my hoodie.

???:"Look, whoever you are, leave my Taehyung alone." She said and scoffed. I scoffed at her statement, she doesn't own Taehyung and no one does, so she should shut up.

You:"Actually, how am I suppose to stay away when Taehyung is my roommate?" I said and she smirked.

???:"Let's switch rooms." She said with a smirk and my eyes widen. I am not trusting you slut with Taehyung.

You:"You can wish, but that won't happen with a slut like you, I've seen you with different guys for these past days." I said and she scoffed and was about to slap me when someone held her hand and stopped her.

???:"Leave her alone." A deep voice said. I turned and saw Taehyung. The girl gasped.


Taehyung:"Don't call me oppa ad leave Y/n alone." He said and she nodded then left after apologizing.

Taehyung:"Are you alri-" I walked to the dorm as he ran after me.
Taehyung:"Yah! Y/n answer me~~" He asked annoyed and I was so annoyed that I wanted to shut his mouth up.

You:"SHUT UP!" I yelled with anger. He shut his mouth and I sighed. I turned to him and looked at him. His head was down.

You:"I'm sorry, and yes, I'm alright." He nodded and then went inside the bathroom. I then got dressed in this since I was gonna go walk around at night:

 I then got dressed in this since I was gonna go walk around at night:

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I then waited until it turned dark.
After a while, Taehyung came out and got dressed. I was confused, where was he going? I decided to ask him because of my curiosity.

You:"Taehyung, where are you going?" I said and he spoke with his back facing me.

Taehyung:"Outside." I said and I nodded, he was doing what I was doing.
I walked out after Taehyung left an hour ago. I locked the door and walked out.
I smelled the fresh air, I missed this. I decided to go and take a walk at the little lake behind our school. I arrived and saw some people from college here. I then walked towards the water bridge and it was deep down there but kinda not at the shore. I watched the water and people leave until I was pushed into the deep part of the water.

You:"Mmmpphh!!" I yelled but it was no use. I then was lacking in air. I then fainted and the last thing I saw was someone jumping into the water and save me. (SAVE ME SAVE ME! I NEED YOUR LOVE BEFORE I FALL, FALL! HAHA).

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