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Then the door slammed open revealing a guy. I didn't really get a close look of him but all I know is that he pulled Taehyung away from me.

Taehyung:"No! Let me go! I need to go and see my friend who is dying there!" He yelled as tears filled his eyes. I felt bad and I slowly stood up with all the energy I had left. I walked towards Taehyung and the guy with my energy.

You:"L-Let him go." I said coldly and the guy just stared at me before dropping Taehyung and running away. Taehyung ran towards me and caught me before I fell to the ground. My vision was blurry as I was hugged and fainted.
I woke up and saw myself in a bed, someone's bed. I got up but regretted it as I felt pain in my bottom area. I decided to just lay down and wait for the owner of this room to come. The door opened revealing Taehyung. He saw me awake and ran towards me with food in his hands.

Taehyung:"How are you feeling? Are you alright? Are you hungry?" He asked and I looked at him tiredly.

You:"I'm feeling okay, I'm fine and I'm hungry." I said as I remembered leaving my food on the rooftop. I sighed and Taehyung helped me up slowly and I layed on a pillow like I was sick. I then heard the door open revealing a lady from her 30's to 40's.

???:"Oh well Taehyung dear, is this why you came here?" She asked and he nodded. Wait, she's Taehyung's mother?!

You:"O-Oh, annyeonghaseyo Mrs.Kim, My name is Y/n." I said and bowed my head. She smiled and patted my head.

Mrs.Kim:"Taehyung was really worried about you, he didn't sleep last night." She said as Taehyung left the room.

You:"Really? But why would he do that for me? I'm nothing to him, well I mean I've been his friend for a long time now though." I said and she smiled at me before standing up.

Mrs.Kim:"It'll change really soon Y/n, it takes time, anyways, I have to go to work, goodbye." She said and left as Taehyung rushed into the room worriedly.

Taehyung:"Are you feeling fine?" I nodded and hugged him. My arms did it, not me. He hugged me back and I somehow... smiled. He was already smiling. He then slept on the couch and I was still on the bed. I felt bad so I put him on the bed and I slept on the couch.

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