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Then... he jumped past the gate and was near jumping. My eyes widen, I ran towards him.

You:"Yah! Get over here! Don't just die?!" I yelled and he was shocked but jumped back over. He looked at me with a blank face. 'I find that cut- wait what are you thinking Y/n?!'

???:"So, what do you want?" He asked in a deep but innocent voice. I sighed.

You:"Just don't die here." I said and he smiled at me.

???:"I wasn't, I wanted a better view." I nodded and walked off but he pulled my wrist.

???:"Wait! I don't even know your name yet!" He said and I sighed and turned around to look at his face.
'Woah, he looks like an ang- okay really Y/n, stop it!'. I hit my head and he looks at me weirdly.

You:"Sorry, I got carried away." I said and he nodded.

???:"My name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." He smiled and stuck his hand out.

You:"Y/n, Jeon Y/n." I said and he smiled.

Taehyung:"Cute name." He said and I nodded.

You:"Gomawo." I said and he smiled.

Taehyung:"So! Wanna be friends?" He asked and my eyes widen.

You:"U-Uh..." He looked at me with puppy eyes. I sighed.

You:"Sure, I guess." I said and he jumped cutely like a kid. I smiled but stopped.

Taehyung:"Your smile is adorable, you should smile more." He said and I shook my head.

You:"I have to go now Taehyung, bye?" I said and he smiled and waved then we went separate ways.
I got home and changed into my pajama then layed on my bed, thinking about Taehyung.

You:"His smile... its cute.." I said and then slapped myself.

You:"Shut up Y/n! Your his friend and he's your... 2nd friend!" I said and sighed. I then fell asleep around 12-2.
I woke up lazily and sighed. I then wore this:

I then walked off to school (hell) again

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I then walked off to school (hell) again.
I arrived and people screamed. I tilted my head confused and they became quiet. I then felt a tap behind me and people gasped. I turned and...

Taehyung:"Hey y/n!" He said hugged me. People started whispering.

You:"H-Hey... Taehyung..." I whispered into his ear. He looked at me weirdly.

Taehyung:"What's wron-" I covered his mouth and brought him to the corner of the building.

You:"Don't do that to me at school, people... hate me." I said and left.
I arrived in class and sat in the back, alone. Akina sat away from me this time.

Taehyung:"Hey Y/n!" He whispered and I smiled a little. He smiled back and sat next to me.

Girl1:"Oppa, sit with me why sit with the loser?" She said which... made Taehyung mad.

Taehyung:"She's not the loser, you are." He said and she gasped and some people too. My eyes widen as I looked at Taehyung.

You:"Taehyung!" I whispered and he looked at me.

Taehyung:"Yes y/n?" He whispered and I glared which made him understand.
Lunch came and I had no food because of the rush. I sighed and sat on the rooftop, hungry. I then felt someone sit next to me and I turned to see Taehyung.

Taehyung:"Finally! I'm so hungry~" He said and ate. I looked at him while eating. He noticed and grabbed a sushi and handed it to me. I shook my head but he forced it into my mouth.

Taehyung:"Now chew." He said and I did. I then ate and it was yummy.

You:"Taehyung?" I said softly. He smiled and looked at me as we turned our heads to....

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