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I got inside the room and was amazed. It was so... perfect!

Taehyung:"Like it?" I was startled and jumped a bit

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Taehyung:"Like it?" I was startled and jumped a bit. He laughed softly. I turned and kept my head down and bowed.

You:"Y-Yes..." I said and he smiled. He then walked up towards me. I walked back and he stopped his tracks and looked at me with confusion.

Taehyung:"I won't hurt you y/n." He said and I felt... kinda calm all of a sudden. He came towards me and kissed my forehead. My eyes widen.

You:"T-Taehyung, I-Irene will kill me." I said and he chuckled. He shook his head.

Taehyung:"We already plan things, she's fine with you staying her y/n, at least you don't hit on me haha." He said and I scoffed then kicked him out of the room.
I layed on my bed, not knowing what to do. I then felt and heard my stomach growl. I guess I was hungry so I went downstairs to the kitchen if I could find it.
I found it, thanks to Taehyung. He was eating... pancakes. I sighed and went to look inside the fridge. I took an apple and turned to bump into Taehyung.

You:"S-Sorry..." I said and walked away. He didn't even stop me, why being so nice all of a sudden?
I got inside the room and looked around. I decided to go out for a walk and changed then got out.
I got downstairs, ready to leave until someone held my wrist which made me turn my head to look at the person. Taehyung.

Taehyung:"Where are you going y/n?" He asked and I looked down.

You:"Out, for a walk." I said and he let go of my wrist and put his shoes on. I was confused.

Taehyung:"I'm coming too." He said and held my hand as we got out.
We arrived at a ramen store. We walked inside and ordered our ramen and sat down. I felt someone looking at me so I looked up and caught Taehyung looking at me. He turned away after he knew I caught him staring.

You:"Yah, I know I'm ugly, so stop staring Taehyung." I said and he shook his head.

Taehyung:"You're not ugly y/n, you're pretty." He said and my eyes widen, my 2nd compliment from him. I sighed and looked at him.

You:"Don't lie to me, it hurts you know." I said and he sighed.

Taehyung:"I'm not lying to you y/n... I mean it." He said and I started to... blush?

Taehyung:"Are you blushing y/n?" He said and I shook my head and looked down.

Taehyung:"Yes you are~~" He teased and I punched him playfully. He groaned.

Taehyung:"Meanie!" He said and then our ramen came. I almost reached my ramen but Taehyung grabbed it and stuck his tongue out.

You:"Okay, you're paying for the hot chocolate then." I said and he shook his head and gave me my ramen back. I smirked and he scoffed.

Taehyung:"Be quiet and don't speak, unless you're gonna pay for my drink I'm about to buy." He said and my smirk disappeared and I stayed quiet, continuing to eat my ramen and same with Taehyung.

We got our hot chocolate and went 'home'. I felt kinda comfortable there, at least Taehyung is there with me, I felt kinda... safe. He then looked at me as we got inside.

Taehyung:"I looked at the weather, it's gonna thunder and rain for 2 days, you gonna be okay or you need me to sleep with you?" He asked and I gulped. I HATED thunder the most.

You:"I-I'll be f-fine..." I said and went up to my room. Great, out of all days, it had to be a stormy day today and tomorrow! I sighed and changed then layed in bed, trying to sleep.
I was about to sleep until...

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