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I woke up in the hospital. I've never been here before. I looked around and saw a figure sitting at the edge of the room. I then thought who would've brought me here and push me? I then thought that Taehyung would be worried and angry at me. I stood up and walked towards the figure and my eyes widen.

You:"T-Taehyung?!" I said confused and shocked at the same time. Was he following me or did we just go to the same place? I then caressed his face and removed his hair. I smiled but my smile disappeared when I remembered he saved me and... was mad at me.

You:"I-I'm sorry..." I said and cried tears out quietly. I then looked down as I cried. I then felt a thumb remove my tears and I looked up to see Taehyung awake and looking at me.

Taehyung:"You're alive." He said and I nodded and smiled. He smiled back and hugged me all of a sudden. I was shocked and didn't know what to do so he wrapped my arms around him. We stayed like that until the door opened and I removed my arms away fastly.

Lisa:"Hey y/n, I heard what happened..." She said and hugged me as I saw Jungkook behind her looking down.

You:"Jungkook, what's wrong...?" I asked and he sighed and looked at me then forced a smile.

Jungkook:"Nothing, are you alright?" He asked changing the subject and I nodded. He was hiding something, I know it, but he just won't tell me. I then felt arms wrap around my waist. It was Taehyung, obviously.

You:"Taehyung, let go." I said and he let go. I then checked the time, omg!

You:"Omg! Taehyung! We skipped 3 classes already!" I yelled and yelled at him to bring us back to the dorm as Lisa and Jungkook watched us and laughed.
I took a shower then wore this:

I then ran to lunch, which is on the rooftop

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I then ran to lunch, which is on the rooftop. I got my food sent here from the same lady. I ate until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to feel a smack. I fell onto the cold metal floor. I looked up to meet eyes with...

You:"I-Irene?" I said shocked and she smirked. She slapped me as a few girls came behind her and started kicking the heck out of me. "Taehyung.... h-help.. me.."  I thought as blood came out of me. They continued to kick me, did they want me dead? Before Irene could slap me, we all heard yelling, anger from a deep voice.

???:"BAE JOOHYUN!!!" I opened my eyes weakly and saw Taehyung. He slapped Irene as they argued. The other girls tried to stop Taehyung but failed. They all ran off as I was pulled into a hug and heard crying.

Taehyung:"Y-Y/n... please be okay... please wake up." He said as he cried. Then the door slammed open revealing.......

Author:"Sorry if I made this horrible, anyways, comment who you wanna see behind the doors? It might be what you want or not hehe... I already have the person in mind!"

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