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Taehyung:"Yes y/n?"

You:"Can I stay over?"

Taehyung:"Sure, did you forgive me already?"

My eyes widen, I sighed, not knowing if I did or didn't.


Taehyung:"Well, want me to pick you up?"

How stupid is this boy? He knows I dont have a car and I have no idea where he lives.

You:"What do you expect Taehyung, I have no car and have no idea where you live pabo."


He then sent me a photo of him pouting.

He then sent me a photo of him pouting

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I scoffed. Okay... I guess he looked a bit.... cute?

You:"Yah! Come pick me up at my apartment."


You:"K. Bye."

Taehyung:"I'll track your phone. Byeeeee."

I sighed and then just stayed until he came.
We arrived in his house. My eyes widen at the size of it.

You:"Woah..." I whispered to myself but I suck.

Taehyung:"Thanks." I then went to my 'new' room. Hoping to feel comfy.

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