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His lips.

His scent.

His eyes.


Those thoughts continued to make my heart beat faster and faster until I felt it skip a few beats and my hand flew my to chest worriedly, "Holy shit. This boy is gonna kill me."

I stood up from my black bean bag chair to look out my window into the very much alive city. I've never noticed the array of colors that the city held. The black cars reminded me of his jet black hair, the fluffy clouds reminded me of his cute little puffy cheeks, and even the rosy color of the sunrise seemed to be the exact color of his rosy cheeks.

I sighed happily, only one thing on my mind.


"Young master Jeon," called Seo-yeon's familiar voice quietly as she opened the door.

I turned around to look at the wonderful woman with an extravagant smile on my face, "Yes?"

Her seriousness worried me a bit, but it wouldn't set me out of this extreme euphoria.

"Master Seunkook is here," the bright smile immediately vanished from my face, "and he'd like to speak with you for a moment."

I stared at her with a look of confusion, "I thought my father wasn't supposed to be here until next January!"
"My trip to Istanbul was delayed since the prime minister caught a faint cold," a voice just oozing intimidation stated causing me to look directly at my father, "So I thought that visiting my one and only son was very much needed."

I gulped and kept my mouth sealed shut, not daring to talk back to him or interrupt him in any way. My father's the same height as me but you couldn't tell that he was my father at all, I got all of my facial features from my mother. The only thing relatively similar about us is our frame and body size. His chestnut hair was in a boxy hairstyle and he was wearing a vibrant blue suit with his favorite pair of black business shoes. I would know. He would always use those to discipline me if I ever did anything wrong to him.
"You not happy to see me?"

I shook my head violently, "N-No, father, I'm just pleasantly surprised."

He smiled his usual cold smile, not exposing any emotion towards me at all. Seo-yeon gave me a sincere look of sympathy, knowing how terrified I was of my father, but she still left the room, leaving me alone with my biggest fear, "So, what has my heir been doing for the past two years?"

I gulped once again, not having mentally prepared myself, which usually starts three weeks before he arrives, "Growing, taking charge, leading the company."

He hummed in response, walking around and examining my spotless room. I inwardly thanked Luna that Seo-yeon was alive and well.

"What about you father?" I asked with interest but earned an icy glare in return. My whole entire body stiffened under his eyes and he walked towards me, his pheromones creeping into my mind and making me even more scared.

He started to pace around me, examining me closely, not touching me, but I was still so uncomfortable under his eyes, "Have you talked to your mother?"

I shook my head somewhat calmly, "No sir,"

He nodded slowly and stopped pacing around me, "She should be arriving from Japan in a few hours I heard,"

I haven't seen my mother in about six years, three more years than my cold hearted father. All I really remember about my mother is that she was extremely beautiful and I'm not at all surprised that she attracted my father's attention when he went on his quest to find the perfect partner for the perfect offspring.
He went to the exact same space where he was standing before and I tried my best to look at him with a strong look, "I've heard about the proposal from the Min family and their branch."
I nodded, "Yes sir,"

He half smiled, "Good for you. Hook her in and don't let her get away."

Even though it didn't sound like it, I could definitely sense the underlying threat in his two sentences. If I don't marry Lisa.. my father with either kill me or worse.. disown me.

He exited my room, but I still didn't leave my spot nor relax from my straight posture until I heard the door slam shut, signaling that he was gone. I walked over to my mirror to look at myself, tears threatening to fall from my eyes from fear. I tightened my jaw and balled my hands into fists that I could feel my arms shaking violently.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Hold it in. Hold it.

I stared at the stone faced Jeon Jungkook in front of me, internally hating myself for feeling weak.

"Boys.. don't.. cry.."

The tears dried up miraculously and I relaxed my body. I could feel myself becoming stronger. Becoming a man. Becoming my father.

[a few hours later]

"Good afternoon, Kookie," greeted a smiling woman with orangish hair, "How was your day?"

Lisa was wearing a black beret, an orange dress with some little black accents to match her hair, and some black stilettos.

 [a few hours later]"Good afternoon, Kookie," greeted a smiling woman with orangish hair, "How was your day?"Lisa was wearing a black beret, an orange dress with some little black accents to match her hair, and some black stilettos

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"Leave me alone, Lisa," I muttered, continuing to hold my head in my hands, "Today isn't a good day."

She sat down in the bar stool beside me, putting a small hand on my shoulder, "Aww.. poor Kookie. Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head and stood from the seat, "I don't want to talk to you. Period."

I began walking out of the kitchen to my room before Lisa slaps me hard on the ass. I look at her with an expression of anger but it didn't faze her one bit, she just smiled in return.

"Why did you fucking slap me, Lisa..?" I growled through my teeth, containing my anger so I could keep my pride and dignity. I'd never hit a woman, but if Lisa keeps testing me.. my anger might get out of control.

"I like my man with some cake," She licked her red lips and looked at me with eyes full desire, putting her black purse down on the counter so she could look at me, "cause I like to hit it from the back too."

Shivers went up and down my spine and I quickly walked back to my room, not wanting to be "hit from the back" by such a sadistic and small woman.

[author's note]

I didn't want to leave the chapter on such a sad note, so.. THERE'S SOME LISA FOR Y'ALL!!


Oh and I wanted to show y'all Jungkook's father, "Jeon Jong Kook". But he's really Kim Jong kook.

He's a very good looking man, ain't he? Mm mm mmm

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He's a very good looking man, ain't he?

Mm mm mmm.. if only I were twenty five years older. Smh.

Hope y'all have a good day!

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