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"Horrid acts? Like what?"

"I have killed people,"

Once that disturbing sentence left his mouth, my mind reverted back to those folders that my father had given me. The folders filled with the deaths of a countless amount of people.

"I have killed so many people, Taehyung," tears began to fill the ends of his eyes and they almost spilled until he roughly scooped them up with his fingers, "I lost count at 126,"

I gasped at the number and my hand flew to my mouth, "You couldn't have, that's just.."

"Whether it was luring them back to the type association, kidnapping them, or manually injecting them with the beta or alpha serum, I killed them all,"

My eyes and mouth were gaped open in shock. I knew Namjoon was involved in something dangerous, but this... this is too much, "126 people, Namjoon? If that was really true, then you wouldn't be a living, breathing human being,"

"I was never living, Taehyung, I'm just existing. For the sake of science."

The room was then immersed in silence until he spoke again, "There was this one experiment, experiment eight. Her name was Jisoo and she was around seven years old."

His head continued to hang low and I stared at him cautiously, his tale scaring me.

"This was a few years after the vaccines were mass produced into the world, so every pregnant woman who had taken the vaccine had died after giving birth, the vaccine transferring over to the child and allowing the white plague to get in the system of the mother. So, this little Jisoo was orphaned."

"I thought, 'No one is gonna miss a little orphan girl', so I adopted her and I found out that she was born an alpha from the vaccine her mother had taken," he paused, "Back then, alpha and omega vaccines were really rare. Which is why there is such a large amount of betas in the world. Jisoo who had now became Kim Jisoo, was a real catch."

"I took her to my home and I found that she was insanely malnourished, so I fed her." A chuckle spread throughout the room, "S-She would do this cute little thing where she would hold her fork like a knife,"

He looked up for the first time in a long time and I could see the tears spilling from his eyes. Then, his hand lifted and he positioned his right hand as if he was to stab somebody which slowly floated down to his side, "Then I found that she was extremely tired, so I let her sleep. Then when she woke, I found that she was dirty, so I gave her a bath. I continued to make excuses for her for another year."

"The Type Association, the TA, would pester me to continue with my experiments, but I would find more reasons to delay them because although only a small amount of testing had been conducted on the molecular bonding of any two blood types, there was only one result: death. Yes, there was always the chance that she would be the one, the one who would succeed, but there was an even bigger chance that she wasn't."

"I began to not see her as patient but as Jisoo. Little Jisoo." He smiled as he looked down, reminiscing of past times. Then his eyes darkened sand he wiped his tears away, "Then she died. The TA came to my house and they gave her the beta serum. She died from banging her head against the floor, screaming about a bad 'headache'."

I clenched my jaw, this story sounding a little too real, "That's when I shut a switch off. I knew that the TA would never let me lead a simple life, because I was too valuable. I was the son of the man who had created the vaccination for the white plague and I had the same amount of potential. They forced me to either somehow get the person to come to the lab because they knew that I had a lingering amount of humanity,"

"So I killed and I killed until I finally met Yu-Ji, a pregnant woman I met at a conference regarding my father's death,"

Yu-Ji? My mo—

"And yes. This was your mother." He said, reading my thoughts, "She approached me, saying that she knew about my forsaken immortality. She wanted to make a deal with me, a deal that involved my immortality and you, an unborn child from a lineage of powerful alphas,"


He nodded in response, "She agreed and essentially gave you to me, of course not legally but—"

"Wait, my mother gave me away to you, knowing that you'd experiment on me? Knowing that I would most likely die?"

He nodded and I sunk back into the pillow that had been supporting my back. I knew most of this information, but the depth that I was unaware of was not only disturbing but disgusting. Although I haven't seen my mother in years besides the time I saw her in the bar when I was with Jimin, I never would have thought that she would give me up. Hell, I thought the reason she ignored my existence was because I wash beta.

"Was I originally an alpha?"

He nodded, "I conducted a test before going through the deal with your mother and I saw that your blood was purely type A,"

I stared off into space, this information taking me aback. I was an alpha? Before my mother gave me up? If it wasn't for her, I would be an alpha. I would be able to go in an auction without disgusted stares from those around me. I would be able to be the heir to the company. I would be able to have Jimin.

"In the beginning, I wholehearted thought that you would be another failure but to satisfy the TA, I had to submit another experiment, regardless of whether it was a success or a failure, however—"

"Oh, let me guess, I was the first successful AB type," I said as the anger was building up within me so I looked away from Namjoon's sunken eyes.

Namjoon nodded, acknowledging my anger and discomfort, "We still don't know why you were successful, or how your molecules successfully merged with the beta serum, but—"

"Oh, I know why," I spat, before turning towards Namjoon with a dirty expression, "It's a miracle that the holy goddess Luna had bestowed on me favorably,"

Namjoon clenched his jaw, "Science doesn't rely on religion, Taehyung,"

I scoffed and looked back out the window to see the busy streets, "Me neither,"

[author's notes]

Yay, double update;)

I was in a mood to write and I couldn't stop my fingers from flying on my keyboard hahahaha

But i hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter of Taehyung's anagnorisis

I will be updating promptly.

Have a good day!

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