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With a hopeful tone to his voice, Jimin looked up at the man who had held him so tenderly in his warm arms, "Really? You promise?"

Jungkook smiled down at his partner, "I promise."

"Til the end?" Jimin questioned once more, pushing himself off of Jungkook's chest so he could look into his eyes deeply, searching for any trace of a lie.

"Til the end."

Although every second Jimin spent with Jungkook had formed a pit in his stomach filled with feelings of happiness, but at this moment, everything clicked.

Jimin's innate fear of commitment has simply disappeared and he felt as if he could indulge himself in the man before him because he knew he would never let him go. He would never let him venture into the dark void of loneliness because he would always be there right beside him, lighting the way with his radiant smile and the warm of his broad shoulders.

However, Jungkook had accepted that Jimin wasn't ready yet and begun to examine the sereneness of the mark that had bonded the older to his soul. Knowing that it was innately impossible for him to be able to leave Jimin, he would patiently wait for the day Jimin would accept him into his heart and sink his canines into the flesh of his neck. The blood ran down his neck and slowly met the pale skin of his shoulders.

Jungkook's eyed the trail of blood before wiping it gently with the pad of his thumb. He was so focused that he didn't see Jimin's lips approach his collarbones. Once Jimin began to pepper gentle kisses on the younger's neck, Jungkook groaned out from the sparks that erupted all over his body. The sensitivity he felt with Jimin made him feel so vulnerable, but he loved it.

Jungkook's stance weakened and he was forced to transition from his knees to his bottom, Jimin straddling the younger as he continued to attack Jungkook's neck with love. Before they had gotten to a point where they couldn't be stopped, Jungkook grabbed Jimin's shoulders and looked him in the eyes, "Are you sure? You shouldn't do anything you don't want to."

Jimin smiled at the consideration that Jungkook had for him and meekly nodded, the actions making his mate's heart melt in the passionate amount of love the organ held. Jungkook's grip on Jimin's shoulder became nonexistent and he stared in awe as Jimin began to kiss his neck once more.

This was the first time that Jungkook hadn't been in control, and although it scared him to an extent he never knew was possible. However, the safeness he felt being surrounded by the scent of Jimin made the situation a literal oxymoron.

At this point, Jimin had no idea what he was doing or where to bite or if he was going to bite an important vein and the man who had just professed his love for him would die and Jimin would have no choice but to kill himself as well. He knew that his anxiety was starting to cloud his mind but he knew that he had things he needed to be careful about. He had never been taught how to mark since it was never taught in schools. His mother could never give him any advice since he himself was never marked in the first place. His mother was a collective object of society, not belonging to anyone and floating from man to man.

Hell, how the fuck did Jungkook know how to mark someone? He's never marked anyone before Jimin but he seemed to just do it perfectly. But what Jimin didn't know, was that that was something completely normal for Jungkook who was literally able to do everything perfectly since birth.

That was not the situation for Jimin. The anxiety that flowed through his blood was making sweat form on his skin, which Jungkook thought was from the closeness of their bodies.

Oh, Luna, help me.

The second the thought went through Jimin's mind, his instinct seemed to kick in and a particular spot of the side of Jungkook's neck began to glow beautifully, catching Jimin's eyes immediately. Jimin's teeth began to ache and his mouth began to water, as if a large steak was in front of him.

Jungkook tilted his head to give more access to Jimin which he was extremely grateful for. The younger shuttered once he felt the omega's primal fangs graze against his skin. Jimin held the other side of Jungkook's neck with his left hand and pulled him closer, so his fangs began to protrude through the flesh.

Jungkook's whole body tightened under Jimin and he grimaced in pain. Jungkook tightening didn't make the situation easier for Jimin at all but as if an invisible entity came over him, his left hand moved to the back of Jungkook's neck and began to play with the straying locks at the nape. The taste of Jungkook's blood in his mouth made him burn in happiness, having something to finally call his.

Jungkook began convulsing when the pain turned to pleasure, his mouth gaping at the endorphins that was swimming into his veins. Yelling out curse words and wrapping his arms around Jimin's small waist, Jungkook almost went insane from the feeling of his soul intertwining with Jimin's. After drinking the thickness of Jungkook's blood, he pulled back to look at the mess that he made of the other half of his soul.

Jungkook's breaths came out hoarsely, his pleasure being expressed with his mumbled curses. Jungkook's brown eyes then became prevalent as they searched for the one person that they needed. He smiled once his eyes locked with his lover's. He didn't have the strength to sit up anymore so he fell back onto the bed, his body fatigued from the plethora of sparks stinging his body so satisfyingly.

"Hold me, Jimin," he whispered with closed eyes and his arms welcomed he small omega into a close embrace.

Jimin could never say no to the younger so he stopped straddling him and laid his head on Jungkook's bare chest, smiling happily. Jungkook pulled Jimin closer to him, they both of them realizing that they had successfully completed the mating process, their souls tangled and intertwined for the rest of eternity.

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