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Hoseok was sitting to the right of me, playing an off brand version of flappy bird with my head on his shoulder, my eyes just watching his rhythmic movements. With every tap on the screen, he hummed a light tune, a small, but hidden smile on my face.

We were sitting on the floor in Hoseok room, the beige carpet tickling my toes. We've been sitting here for about forty five minutes and I still I don't know why we're sitting on the floor. I remember that we came to his house on a date and were gonna play some video games, but he tripped and fell on the floor walking into his room because there was a pile of clothes just lying there. I laughed so hard and some snot spewed from my nostrils, our laughs increasing and snorts sounding throughout his empty and hollow house.

And now we're here. Sitting on the floor, just enjoying the other's presence.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

He tapped one too many and the little man in the airplane flew to the ground, a discouraging "bleu~" sound coming after. He was still for a moment but his shoulder that was supporting my head began to shake so I lifted my head, already knowing what was to come.




"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCK!" Hoseok grabbed a hold his phone with his right hand and was about to chuck it, but right before it slipped from his fingers, I snatched the phone in mid air stealthily without his knowing.

He stood up and began to stomp around his room angrily, his footsteps being heard even through this thick carpet, "I WAS JUST ABOUT TO BEAT THE FUCKING LEVEL!!"

I stared at his pacing body, examining every aspect of his body. His long, slender fingers that could intertwine so perfectly with mine. His puffy cheeks that each had one simple dimple just a few centimeters from the corners of his plump lips. His—

He sat down on his bed, his head in his hands, seriously upset because he lost the flappy-bird-wannabe game. I sighed and placed his phone on the carpet as I pushed myself up from the floor so I could go comfort him. I stood in between his legs and snatched his head from his hand, an "ah fack" being released from his lips. He didn't struggle at all as I held his head to my torso, caressing the back of his head and his neck softly. He sighed stressfully, his anger being suppressed by my scent.

"I almost beat it, Yoonie.." he cried dramatically into my shirt and I just smiled down at him.

"I know, I know," I patted the top of his head reassuringly, "it's not the end of the world."

He gasped and looked up at me with wide eyes, "You little ball of ignorance! It may not be the end of my world! But that little pilot's world is over!! HE'S DEAD, YOONGI! DEAD!"

I sighed at his dramatically induced brain, "Okay, I'm sorry."

He smiled up at me and unraveled his arms from around my torso, his slouching body bringing a full smile on my face before I met eyes with his shirt that was staring back at me.


"Yes?" He happily responded.

"Why do you have Bill Nye on your shirt?" His dark brown eyes peered into me, his rapist-like smile scaring me quite a bit. He looked down at his shirt to indeed see Bill Nye smiling at me.

"Oh, this is my favorite shirt."

We both just looked at the man with graying hair, "That shirt is gay."

Then Hobi and I looked at each other, his expression completely serious, mirroring mine, "Well, yeah. It just came out of the closet this morning."

Wait, what?

The shirt.. came out of the closet.. deeming it.. gay.

Screeching noises erupted from my mouth, completely dying at his words. I held my stomach painfully, my laughter giving me more of an ab workout than a thousand crunches. Hobi began to laugh at my ugly face and we were just laughing together, my body flopping on the bed next to him from the laughter. I sucked in air and it went down the wrong tube, leaving me coughing and gasping for air but Hobi thought I was laughing and proceeded to laugh at my death.

I coughed and gasped until I could breathe normally, but instead of castrating him, I just sighed, relieved that I was still alive. I laid on my side, Hoseok staring back at me with love in his eyes.



His hair fell on his blemish free forehead, and I just glanced at every aspect of his beautiful face.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked, staring into his eyes that held a different and deeper emotion within them. You just had to find it.

He nodded and a bright smile appeared on his face, "Yeah."

Then something from within me, urged me to kiss him. So I did.

I grabbed the collar of his Bill Nye shirt and pulled him closer to me, wanting all of the space between us to disappear. He responded to my kisses with groans and he held my cheeks as our tongues danced as if they were dancers in Madrid, sensually dancing the night away.
His lips and tongue made me weak, switching something inside me that only he could touch. His hand traveled under my shirt and his cold fingertips softly dragged against my burning skin. I moaned into his mouth as the kiss began to heat up. He lifted the shirt from my head and our lips parted for two or three seconds but right when the shirt was off, we pounced on each other. I did the same for him and we were now just having a crazy, hot, intense, amazing, awesome—
I pulled back, Hoseok's lips still in pucker mode, making him look like a fish.

"What is it, Yoonie? We was gettin it on." He whined as he tried to pull me closer but I kept him an arm's distance away from me, my hands on his chest.

"Who's gonna top?" I asked, actually perplexed.
He looked at me as if that was the stupidest question in the world, "Me, duh."

He tried to go in for the kill and push his lips onto mine again but I pushed him back once more.
"No, my dick is too big and my asshole is too small." I informed, not willing to be bottom.
He laughed, "Same here, Yoonie,"
I thought for a moment, trying to think of some way to solve this.. because I know that we're both "tops" but we'd both be "bottoms" if our lives depended on it. But our lives don't depend on this, so hell no.
"Oh you're actually serious?" Hoseok said and I nodded my head at him, "Well, I've got a box of Jenga under my bed and we can solve it like that, right?"

I blinked, "Wait really?"

He nodded and jumped from the bed onto the floor, reaching under his bed for something. When he popped back up, there was indeed a container filled with little, rectangular Jenga blocks.

He lifted the container up, a huge smile on his face, "Ready?"

"We're going this.. now?"

He nodded, his bottom lip pursed out, "When else?"

I questioned his thinking for about four seconds before I realized my boyfriend was Jung Hoseok and I joined him on the floor to play Jenga.

[author's notes]

Nice change of pace from crazy human trafficking chapter to Jenga chapter, huh?

I think it's a nice fluffy break from the angst that's gonna be coming soon.

Well I hope you guys have an amazing day, and don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy! :)

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