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"Hello, this is channel three, reporting on the case regarding the Jeon case. Jeon Jongkook, convicted for the horrid murder of his wife, Jeon Yein, has now been sent to death row where he will be having his last meal—"

The tv was suddenly cut off from the kitchen and I turned to meet eyes with Jungkook who had the remote in his left hand and a knife in the other. He was currently making some sandwiches for us to take on the trip to the baby doctor. The doctor who's going to tell us the gender of my baby. I rubbed my stomach which wasn't that large yet but I could still feel symptoms.

Every morning was greeted with the burning feeling in my throat from the bile that seemed to want to leave my body so eagerly. Pains in my back and the swelling of my whole body was just emphasizing my bloated body from this child inside of me. Not to mention the hunger spasms that never failed to make me feel like a legit fat ass.

But Jungkook was there the whole time.

There for me.

I smiled at the reminiscing of his kindness. How he would lovingly rub my back as I threw up all of my inner organs. Making me mayo-cheeto-pickle sandwiches in the middle of the night when my stomach would growl endlessly. Kissing every inch of my bloated body, never going a second without telling me how beautiful I am each night.

I heard the crinkling of a bag and a cough that erupted from the chest of Jungkook, "Come on, babe, we gotta get to the doctor for your appointment,"

I nodded and slowly pushed myself up, my weight not being too much to handle. I walked to the door slowly where Jungkook was waiting for me eagerly, "Ready?"

I slipped my feet into a pair of flip flops and off we went.


"Jeon family?" A woman called from the door which was closed to the waiting room, only taking people in once it was their turn. Jungkook grabbed my hand and we walked towards the nurse who was smiling at us, "Congratulations! Follow me!"

She looked down at the clipboard she had in her arm before taking us to an empty room. Room three, "Mrs. Chang will be with you two shortly,"

The woman smiled and closed the door leaving us alone in the room of mechanical computers hooked up to beds and tools and whatever. My heart was beating in my chest at an alarming rate and I could faintly hear Jungkook's and feel it through his sweaty palm.


He nodded, "Hell Yeah,"

The door opened and in walked a nice looking woman with a fairly large stomach, signaling that she was also indeed pregnant.

"Good morning!" She beamed as she took a seat in a rolling chair, patting the chair that oddly looked like one that would be in a therapists office, "Come sit!"

I obliged and Jungkook followed me to the chair as I sat down and laid back. She lifted my shirt and placed a towel in my pants like she was in someone's pants every day. Probably. She was an OBGYN, "It's going to be a bit cold, okay?"

I nodded as I watched her pull out a bottle of bluish liquid, "You know, we don't usually get a bunch of alpha-omega couples around here,"

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