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"You got any details of what she looks like, Jimin?" I asked as we were laying next to each other on the bed, hand in hand, "Cause that'd help a lot."

"Well, she's got these big, round eyes that kinda drop down at the ends," he used his left hand to gesture to his eyes and make a rainbow like shape over them and then made a hand gesture as if he were groping something, "and a small, roundish face with red puffy cheeks. She kind looks like a chipmunk if I'm being honest."

I chuckled at his comment but he didn't mind since he was picturing the small girl in his mind, recalling everything he knew about her appearance.

"She's also got jet black hair in a bob that comes about right here," he used the side of his hand to gesture to the middle part of his neck, "And she's so, so tiny and quaint, like a little teacup."

I pictured this child in my mind. Every detailed characteristic was being painted like a beautiful paining in my mind because of his vivid imagery.

"Her lips are so plump and pretty. She's even got a Cupid's bow on her upper lip, and her voice is so sweet and cute. It's high pitched but it's not annoying in any way, if anything it's relaxing." He smiled as he made little gestures so he could describe her in such depth, "She looked to be about four or five years old, but if the malnutrition plays any part in this, she might be older."

He looked at me with a questionable look, "Do you need more?"

I shook my head and was actually amazed at how he had burned this small child into his brain, "You're very attached to this child, Jimin,"


"Hmm?" I hummed, confused as to what he stated and why.

"Her name's Byeol, not child." He said with a blank slate for a face but I just smile at his cuteness and protectiveness.

"You're very attached to Byeol." I corrected with a grin on my face.

He nodded, "Yeah. She's my star."

I sat up, Jimin sitting up soon after me, "Well let's go find Byeol!"

Jimin squealed again but held his stomach painfully once he stood up. I rushed to support him, "What's the matter, Jimin?!"

He groaned softly and took in deep breaths, "Umm.. nothing. I'm okay, it's just aftereffects from the estrus inducers. Now let's go find Byeol."

He tried to stand straight but he fell once more, his limp body falling in my arms. He resonated a flowery scent.

Oh shit.

"Umm, Jimin, I'll go out and find Byeol, you stay here and rest." I picked him up, my right arm supporting from the back of his knees and my left supporting his from his upper back. He shook his head in disapproval and tried to squirm out of my arms but I held him tightly until I set him down on the right side of the bed. I tucked him under the white blankets and wrapped him up like a burrito.

"Tae, this is too much." He said, only his face being visible which almost made me drop to the floor and die right then and there. Instead, I kept my cool and shook my head, a smug look on my face.

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