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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. It was the most obnoxious sound ever. I was annoyed but I then remembered I don't have work and I could go back to sleep.
Skip two hours~~~
I woke up and looking at the time I decided it was probably about time I get out of bed. But honestly I was so happy it was Friday. I don't work the whole weekend it's the best thing ever. I finally got up out of bed and walked into the kitchen. I didn't feel like breakfast. So I decided I wanted to go play in my secret room. I walked down the hall and unlocked the door that held back all my secrets. I look around the room and become instantly happy as I slip into my little space. I get down on all fours and crawl over to my stuffies. I pick up one one of my pacies and slip it into my mouth. then I hear a knock on the door. "ugh" I say taking my binky out and running to get the door. Closing the door to my secret room but not bothering to lock it. "Hey" Colby says when i open the door. "hey whats up?" I say welcoming him in.

"Not much just wanted to hang out sorry i should've called beforehand." he said.

"Nah it's fine i didn't really have plans today." I say "What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know" he said. I didn't realize it but i got lost in his diamond like eyes they are so dreamy. Colby is my best friend and has been for a long time but I have ahuge crush on him. I don't know how to tell him I like him or that I'm a little. I'm scared of what he'll say or think of me.
"Hannah are you ok?" Colby said bringing me back to reality.
"Huh oh ya I'm fine just spaced out" I said. Before he could respond his phone started ringing "one sec I gotta take this" he said before steping out onto the front porch. I just took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. A few minutes later Colby came back in the room.
" Hey sorry that was Sam making plans to film tomorrow" he said.
"It's fine.. anyway what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"We should definitely order some food" he said " but first can I use your bathroom?"
"Ya of course, you know where it is" I said as he walked down the hall.
Colby's POV:
I really wanna tell hannah the way i feel about her but I'm nervous  I don't know if she likes me back. I'm walking down the hall and I go to open the bathroom door as I open it I immediately realize it's not the bathroom. Is hannah a little? This looks like a littles room. But why wouldn't she tell me something big like this. We're best friends. I quickly leave the room making sure to close the door. I walk back down the hall and into the bathroom. I want to ask her about it but idk how. Cause honestly I would love to be her dom. But I don't think she'd like that, plus how do I even ask her?
Hannah's POV
I wish I could figure out a way to tell Colby my big secret but, how do I tell him? I'm also to scared he's going to judge me. My thoughts are interrupted when Colby walks back in the room. "Hannah are you ok?" He asks.
" huh oh ya just lost in thought. Anyway, What do you wanna do today?" I ask.
" Just chill out maybe watch a movie" he suggested.
" Ok and maybe instead of ordering food we could go out to lunch?" I suggested.
"Sure, Where should we go?" He asked.
"Hmm I don't know, Chipotle?" I suggested.
"Hell ya!" He said.

Sorry this first chapter is so short but I promise not all my chapters will be this short. And I also will get more into the ddlg.

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