Chapter 1- Setting my sight on her

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Hello everyone, here is the first official chapter.

Blake's P.O.V

I was sitting under the bleachers with a few mates, cutting class and having our usual afternoon joint. We never got bothered down here by the teachers because let's face it they know better.

"which one of them would you fuck?" my mate Damian asked as the senior girls ran out to the field for Hockey, another reason we sit here, gives us a chance to perv on them all when they are doing gym class.

"I think I have fucked most of them." I chuckled which was right "well except Callie, Josie and whatever that other one is called." I added laughing

"I hear Callie is single now." Damian smirked

"She is?" I said smugly

"No she aint. Even though Ryan moved to London for a full year over the summer, Josie said they were trying the long distance thing." My other mate Austin added

"Like that will last, not if I have anything to do with it." I smirked

"You have no chance Blake. She is one girl that is immune too you and your bullshit...she would never cheat on Ryan especially with you." Damian chuckled

"You want a bet." I laughed

I have had my eye on Callie for sometime now but could not get near her with Ryan one messes with him, not even me cause he would kick my ass...he would kick anyone's ass in this school. I always believed though Callie was too good for him. He has his secrets no matter what she thinks, he aint the perfect boyfriend like she believes but let's not get into that.

"Please share how you plan on getting the girl that hates you?" Damian laughed

"I will make her un-hate me. I can be sweet and charming you know?" I chuckled

"And she will see right through it...through you." Austin added

They have little faith in me. I finished my smoke, flipping them off before heading towards the field where the girls were getting ready to play. All eyes fell on me, the girls getting all giddy, winking at me and blowing me kisses. Will these girls ever learn? I have used them more than once but they would happily let me do it to them. The full bad boy thing seriously gets these girls all hot, bothered and loose. I smirked with the closer I got to them, enjoying every single bit of attention, even the Coach...she was staring at me too, the same way her students were.

"Hi Blake. You free for a hook up tonight?" Missy, one of my favourite play toys said, standing in front of me, and the girls knows how to please a guy and she aint shy.

"For you baby...I am always free." I winked, giving her ass a quick slap, Missy giggling

I would call her later but right now she is not the one I wanted. I looked around for who I was looking for, finally finding Callie, she was growling at me, rolling her eyes the closer I got to her.

"Hey Callie. How you doing sexy?" I growled at her

"Better if you turn back around and go back to where you came from Blake. What do you want?" she asked, the annoyance in her voice clear for everyone to hear

I chuckled, stepping into her. She never backed away, never went weak to the knees like every girl would if I was this close to them. Callie however, placed her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes at me. I hate when people do that, roll their is rude and annoying

"Don't fucking roll your eyes at me Callie?" I growled

"I can do whatever I want Blake. You wanna tell me what you want, if not piss off and get out my face." She hissed

I clenched my jaw, my fists tightening at my sides. I also hate people answering me back but she done it all the time and it pissed me off. I was not gonna hit her or anything, aint that much of a monster.

"I hear you are single?" I smirked calming myself

"You heard wrong. Ryan and I are still very much together." She said sternly

"Long distance really? Bullshit! That aint ever gonna work. He is properly screwing some chick as we speak." I replied

"Like you know anything about relationships Blake, you have never even had a girlfriend, too busy putting that thing in anywhere that is warm." She hissed

I was not gonna deny it, she was right. I have had a lot of girls, my dick has been out my trousers more than it has been in them. Not my fault all these girls want me and want to be fucked properly. I aint gonna refuse them.

"And? I would rather screw around than fuck the same person that is boring and dull." I laughed, shrugging

"Well at least I aint gonna catch anything with fucking the same person. You...I don't even wanna know what you could have." She said disgusted

She really was a judgemental bitch at times, though her feistiness was a turn onto me.

"I am gonna get straight to the point Princess. I want to fuck you and I get what I want. I will fuck you before the end of senior year cause I know even though you will never admit you want are like every other girl in this place." I said

Callie burst out laughing, making everyone look at us. Her head was back and she was holding her stomach


Everyone around us gasped, covering their mouths in shock cause no one ever talks to me like that. Callie's friends were standing close by, laughing too.

"We will see. See you soon Princess." I winked, walking away from her

"NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!" She called after me

I chuckled to myself heading back to my friends, smugly looking at me

"That went well for you...not." Austin chuckled

"Oh trust me it will start going well. With Ryan away she will need someone...we all got needs and she will come to me when that happens cause every other guy in this place will get warned." I winked

"Keep dreaming dude." Damian laughed

"You know me better than anyone. I get what I want and I will have Callie before senior year is out. She will be mine." I said confidently

I changed the subject, bored talking about it now. We moved from the bleachers, deciding to sit on the field and get a better view. As soon as the girls seen us all they started showing off and flirting with us. Of course we gave them as good as they gave.

"Boys can you please stop distracting my girls?" Coach Heaney said looking at us "should you not be in class?" she added

"Sorry no can do coach. We can't help that we are sexy as fuck." I said winking at her

She laughed, shaking her head

"Well if you are sitting here be quiet." She said looking at us

We gave her a nod and our best smiles. As I said none of the teachers bother us cause they know we will not listen, they are only wasting their own time. I leant back on my arms, looking around until I spotted Callie. I kept a firm stare on her. She looked fucking sexy in her shorts and tank...showing her long tanned legs off and the tee she had on was tight enough to put her sexy curves on show. I groaned, feeling myself twitch in my jeans watching her. I needed to get my hands on her...get her below me. She must have felt eyes on her cause she turned around, her eyes falling on me. I waved, blowing her a return she flipped me off, making me chuckle. I loved getting under this girls skin, made my day. Callie got back to her game but my eyes never left her...well more like never left her ass...damn what I would like to do to that ass. I think it is time to up my game.





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