Chapter 15- Opening up

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Blake's P.O.V

"What the fuck Blake? You were fighting over her?" Missy hissed cornering me just before I headed into my car

"Missy fuck off. I aint in the mood. What if I was? It is none of your damn business." I said annoyed

I really need to get rid of this girl once and for all cause I have had enough of her and her possessive girlfriend is like Bitch please I am only using you for sex, you have no say in my life or who/what I do.

"Why? She does not want you Blake." She hissed

"She will though and when I do get her you and I are done...actually you and I are done right now. Go find someone else to annoy cause I have had enough for you." I hissed at her

"You don't mean that. You will come back to me, you always do. I will make that little sluts a living hell if you go anywhere near her." She said smugly

I would like to see her try, Callie could ruin her quicker that she can say OH MY GOD. I clenched my fists at my side, closing my eyes over and taking a few deep breaths before I ended up screaming at Missy.

"You do anything to her I will make sure I turn this entire school against you Missy. Stay the fuck away from Callie or I will ruin you...remember I know all your dirty little secrets Missy. Now get to fuck out my face I have better things to do." I hissed, moving her to the side, climbing into my car

Missy stood, glaring at me. She was mad...more mad than I have ever seen her. I never even gave her a second glance and started my car, driving off. I need something to do cause I don't wanna go home especially with my parents arguing all the time, wish they would get a divorce already and let us all get on with our life's in peace. I was sick and tired hearing them argue about money, work, about the affairs they are both having. The worst part of it is all the lies, they make the world outside believe they have the perfect marriage...gotta keep up appearance's they say. It is bullshit. I wish for once in their life's they would think about me but no they have too many problems to deal with their own damn son in anyway.

I decided the place where I wanted to go. I drove 10 minutes away from the school, there was a park there...a park that no one uses these days. I liked to disappear there by myself from time to time cause no one bothered. I pulled up, climbing out of my car and heading over to the swings, taking a seat on one of them. The place was quiet, the way I liked it.

I took my phone from my pocket, looking through my contacts until I found Callie's name. I hesitated more than once before hitting the call button. It ran g a couple of times before she answered

"Hey Blake." She said

"Hey. What you doing?" I asked

"Nothing. Bored. You? How is the face?" she asked

I chuckled, hearing her giggle on the other end. I am glad my sticking up for her and getting into a fight is entertaining to her.

"The face is fine. I am at the old park, not far from your house actually. Care to join me?" I asked

She paused, deciding what she was gonna do. I was really hoping she would say yes.

"Sure. I will be there soon." She said happily

I felt a smile growing on my lips when she said that.

"Cool. See you in a bit. Bye." I said, hanging the phone up

I messed about with my phone to pass time. I got lost watching some stupid video online, laughing to myself

"Rawr!" I heard behind me, a finger prodding my side, making me jump

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