Chapter 28-

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Callie's P.O.V

I woke, looking around and taking a moment to remember where I was. I was soon reminded when I heard a soft voice

"Morning beautiful." I heard Blake whisper

"Morning." I said rolling onto my side to face him

"Did you sleep alright?" he asked, pushing my hair from my eyes

"Better than I have done in a while actually." I said giving him a sweet smile

"Good. You want some breakfast?" he asked

Before I could answer my stomach growled, answering his questions

"I say that would be a yes." He laughed "I will go get started in breakfast, you can grab a shower if you like." He added

I nodded, then realised I never had any clean clothes or underwear...damn, what am I gonna do?

"Help yourself to some clothes. Top and trousers in wardrobe, boxers and socks in the two top drawers." He smiled, like he could read my face when I was worrying about clothes.

I thanked him before he headed off. I made my way over to the wardrobe, looking through his clothes. I decided I would wear my own shorts again but steal everything else off him. I grabbed a plain black tee and also one of his hoodies. I grabbed socks and boxers from his drawers before heading to the bathroom for a shower. I sighed, letting the water fall over me and let all my worried disappear for a little while. I was not gonna let Ryan ruin another day for me, he was not worth it. I decided I should make a move cause we would need to head to school soon. I can only imagine the looks I will get when I walk in with Blake, dressed in his clothes but to be honest I was not caring, they could all think what they want.

I climbed out of the shower, getting myself dried and dressed, finding a brush to run through my hair, letting it dry naturally. I grabbed my things from Blake's room, heading down to the kitchen. He was over the cooker, making us eggs and bacon, it smelt good...really good.

"Thanks for the clothes." I said appearing next to him

"You are welcome, you look good in my hoodie." He winked, a cheeky smile on his lips

"Shut up you dork." I laughed, slapping his arm playfully

"I am only telling the truth." He shrugged with a smile

I chuckled, shaking my head and made us both a coffee before sitting down at the table, Blake soon joining me with breakfast. I licked my lips at the plateful in front of me before digging right in, Blake doing the same. We sat in silence as we ate, no awkwardness though, just comfortable. Blake headed off for a shower as I tidied up. We would need to leave soon for school.


Blake and I pulled up outside the school. I sat back on the seat, taking a few deep breaths, not sure if I was ready to face everyone cause if Ryan has spoken to Missy they the full school would know what was going on.

"Ignore them Callie." Blake whispered, giving my hand a quick squeeze

I nodded then climbed out the car, Blake following me. He appeared by my side, giving him arm to me to take. I linked my arm through his, heading for the main entrance

"Callie?" I heard from behind me, knowing it was Josie

I stopped, turning around to see her rushing towards me, Austin next to her, both hand in hand. As soon as she did she pulled me in for a hug

"Are you OK? Can I kill that mother fucker? I swear I will fly to London right now and do It." she said, the anger in her voice clear to

"I will be. Thank you but I aint losing my best friend to jail over him." I said managing a small laugh

She pulled away, looking at me

"I know you will." She smiled "We should probably head inside, bell is gonna ring in a few moments." She said

The four of us headed in, Blake keeping me close to him. I appreciated it especially with everyone staring at me. I refused to look at any of them. I made my way to my locker, opening it and hiding my face in to get a moment to myself. I grabbed what I needed, turning back around to the others.

"We better get to class. Josie, Austin we will see you at lunch time." I smiled

We said out goodbyes, heading our separate ways. Blake was in my first class which hopefully would make this a little easier, then again he has a few friends in that class so he may sit with them, leaving me alone. If he did I would understand. I headed to my usual seat at the front but before I could Blake grabbed my hand, stopping me. I turned to face him

"Come sit with me." he smiled

I let a sigh of relief out, glad I would not need to sit alone. Blake never let go of my hand as we walked to two seats up the back where his friends already were.

"You all know Callie?" he said to the other

They all nodded, saying hello to me which I done back before taking a seat next to Blake. I sat in silence as he spoke to his friends. I could feel eyes on me, making me look up. I was met with Missy glaring at me from across the room. I decided not even to respond to her, instead I turned away from her.

"Hey baby girl you OK?" I hear Blake ask from beside me

"Yeah, well except Missy sitting glaring at me." I said annoyed

"Don't worry about her, she aint worth it." he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder

I knew he was right but I also knew Missy she aint gonna take it well that Blake and I are hanging out more even though she was the one who was fucking my boyfriend behind my back. If anyone was to be mad it should be me. Though Ryan was not worth the hassle. I am not gonna give Missy what she wants either, I aint going down to her level.

The teacher soon arrived, the class quieting down as the lesson got started. Blake not moving his arm away from me. I looked up at him, Blake must have sensed me doing so cause he looked back at me, throwing a quick wink my way, a good falling from my lips in return.

"Wanna hang out tonight?" he whispered only loud enough for me to hear

"Yeah sure. What you wanna do?" I asked

"Don't know will decided later." He laughed

I wonder if he meant hang our or a date? Probably hang out since he giving me time to heal. I know it is for the best, having sometime before we started anything but there was something inside of me that was not there last night that makes me want him to be mine soon.

"Hey you OK? You went into a daydream." Blake asked

"Just thinking that's all." I said giving him a small smile

"About me?" he said cheekily

"Maybe." I winked before turning my attention back to the teacher

Blake reached in under the table, placing his hand over mine and linking our fingers together which I never protested again. I think we are sort of getting together without any of us realising or maybe I am just imagining things. I guess we will find out soon enough. 

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