chap 29- Party part 1

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Callie's P.O.V

"Can I not just stay home with ice cream and soppy movies?" I pouted at Josie

It was the weekend, the night of the party that Blake basically blackmailed me to go to.

"No you cannot. You have had a shitty week and you need to let lose Callie. It is new to both of us, we can get through this together." She laughed

I went to protest but Josie pouted at me, giving me her best puppy dog eyes

"Fine!" I said throwing my hands in the air

"Good cause the guys will be here to get us soon, so move along." She giggled, bumping her hip with mine

I laughed, applying a little lip gloss to finish off. I gave myself a look over in the mirror, deciding that would do. I was not going to impress anyone. Josie was already ready, excited for the party. I was not in the mood but I decided it would be better than feeling sorry for myself over Ryan. I grabbed my things, Josie and I heading out, meeting the guys outside to avoid questions from the parents. They knew I was going to a party, they trusted me to behave and not drink.

"Tweet tweel." We heard a voice say making us look up

Austin and Blake were standing there, both smirking at us. I gave them both a smile, Austin making his way over to Josie, pulling her in for a kiss. A kiss that lasted longer than any of us really needed it to. I don't need to see my best friend making out.

"They can catch up." Blake smiled at me, extending his arm to me

"Yes." I smiled, linking my arm through his "Looking very handsome tonight." I added winking at him

"Don't I always?" he said cockily

I laughed, pushing him playfully. He had been the only one that's really made me laugh and smile these last few days. He gave me a dorky smile, making me laugh louder.

"You look good Callie, then again you always do baby girl." He winked

I blushed, shaking my head and turning away from him. He moved his arm from mine, wrapping it around my shoulder, pulling me into his side and kissed the top of my head

"I like how it don't take much for me to make you blush now." He laughed

I stuck my tongue out at him, leaning into him. Blake and I have not spoken anymore about us and nothing else has happened, it is like the both of us are just waiting to see how this goes, maybe that was the best way.

Josie and Austin soon caught up with us, the four of us heading to the party that was not too far away. When we arrived the place was already full of people, outside and in...everyone seems to be having a good time. All of a sudden I felt nervous cause I was not used to being around all those people especially with the ones I went to school with.

"Hey I got you, stay close beautiful, you will be fine." Blake smiled reaching his hand out for me

I hesitated before reaching for it. He linked his fingers with mine which I happily let him. He kept me close to him as we made our way through people, heading into the house. I could hear people whispering, shocked that Blake was walking in hand and hand with someone, something none of them are used to seeing but he never let it bother him. He said hello to some, completely blanked others. As we entered the house the music was blaring, drinking games were going on, and people were dancing, making out and laughing. I was hoping I could relax and join everyone before the night is out.

"You want a drink?" Blake whispered in my ear

I nodded, one drink couldn't hurt right? Blake smiled, him and Austin heading off to get Josie and I a drink.

"I cannot believe how many people are here." Josie said loudly over the music

"I know it's crazy right?" I replied

Josie and I stood against the wall, watching everyone around us, chatting with each other until the guys got back.

"Callie?" I heard an annoying familiar voice say from beside me

I rolled my eyes before turning to face her "Go away Missy." I hissed

Of course she never listened, she never blooming listens

"What the fuck is going on with you and Blake?" she hissed "I heard you are together, is that fucking true?" she added

I went to open my mouth but before I could

"Missy what is going on between Callie and I is none of your fucking business, actually it is no one's damn business. Fuck off OK?" Blake hissed appearing between Missy and I

"Are you for real right now? You always told me you don't do relationship and now what within a week you are in with that?" she hissed, eyeing me up and down before scrunching her face in disgust

This bitch better watch her mouth before I slap her one. Who does he think she is?

"Again none of your business. The difference between you and Callie? I only liked you for sex, everything else about you does my head in. Callie, she is a better person that you will ever be. I actually like her...I put up with you, there is a huge difference. Now get out of my fucking face OK?" Blake growled at her

Missy never said another word, instead she rolled her eyes, sending me a death glare before storming off with her friends. Blake made his way to my side, one hand wrapping around my waist and handing me my beer with the other.

"Thank You." I smiled sweetly

"Anytime." He smiled back

I leant into him, resting my head on his shoulder as I watched everyone around us. I smiled, glad to see most people getting along and enjoying themselves. Blake reached into my ear

"Will you give me a dance later?" he whispered

I looked up at him, chewing my lips nervously. I don't do well with all eyes on me

"Probably not, I don't like attention on me in anyway." I said

"Ignore them. You can act like it is only you and I." he said hopeful

I shrugged, still not sure what I wanted to do. Blake reached in, pushing my hair behind my ear and smiling at me.

"Pwease? Either that or we can sneak away and make out." He winked playfully

"A dance it is then." I giggled

"Hey!" he pouted

I laughed, reaching up and quickly pecked his lips. He froze for a moment, not expecting me to do that, I never expected to do that. Once he got over the shock he gave me a wide smile. He never pulled away from me, his eyes fell on mine. I could see his eyes going from there to my lips and back. He wanted to kiss me but I was not sure if that was the right thing to do. I wanted badly to kiss him but I don't wanna give him any false hope.

"One kiss?" he whispered, sensing my nerves

I licked my lips, eyeing his and nodded. I see a smirk creep on his lips before he reaches for my hand, leading me away, finding somewhere less crowded. As soon as he found a place he pulled my body into his, his hands on my hips and mine automatically went around his neck. He inches closer to me, letting me close the space between us, our lips soon pressing together. I whimpered loudly at the feel of his lips on mine again. I pressed my lips harder against his, deepening the kiss, Blake following my lead. My back soon was against the wall, Blake pressing himself against me once more. What was meant to be one kiss turned into more quickly, in no time we were making out in the corner?

"We should stop." He mumbled against my lips

"Yeah, sorry got a little carried away." I giggled

"I think we both did. Though we should really do that again, later on." He winked

"Maybe." I winked back

I knew it getting harder for me to stay away from him maybe that is a sign that I should not stay away from him and just go for it. I guess the rest of the night will tell. 

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