Chapter 4- Blake's P.O.V

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Blake's P.O.V

I was pissed as I walked out of Callie's house. Who does she think she is? Yes I fuck around, prefer it that way but for her to sit there laughing at me...judging me she has no right. Did she ever stop to think I am the way I am cause of feelings I have or once had for someone? As for her text message that was pathetic. I was generally trying to be nice for once in my life and she acts that way towards me...never again.

I grabbed my phone, phoning Missy and she answered straight away

"You home?" I asked

"Nope." Was all she replied sounding pissed at me?

"What is wrong with you now?" I groaned

"Did you fuck her? I know you were at her house Blake." She hissed

How does she even know that? Is she stalking me now? I do not see what her big problem is with Callie.

"What the fuck Missy? You stalking me now. What if I did fuck her? It is none of your business, we have been through aint my girlfriend. I can do who and what I want." I hissed back, hanging up on her.

And people wonder why I do not do relationships, all these girls are either crazy or bitches. I decided I would just head over to Austin's, get stoned and play the Xbox. I drove the short distance to Austin's, he only stayed down the street from Callie. I walked straight in, heading down to the basement where I knew he would be.

"Thought you were going to work you magic on Callie?" he asked as I sat down, stealing the joint from his hand, taking a long drag of it.

"She is a bitch." I hissed

"What did she do? Whatever it was she has defiantly got under your skin?" he chuckled

"Fuck up. I do not even wanna talk about it." I groaned

Austin nodded, knowing when to shut up around me. He handed me an Xbox controller, nothing else getting said. We spent the next few hours smoking and playing, arguing with each other and having some conversation. We are guys we do not do much talking.

"I'm out. See you at school mate." I said

"See you at school buddy." He replied

I looked seeing the time, it was 830pm, too early for home. I decided instead I would go and annoy Callie and I will not be as nice as I was this afternoon. I pulled up outside her house, seeing her parent's cars in the drive. I sprayed some Body spray on myself, popping gum into my mouth. I had to be ready to play nice boy around her parents and smelling of weed would not be a very good start. I knocked on the door gently, my sweetest smile ready to greet them. Her mother answered the door, well I am assuming that is who it was...Callie looked very like her...can see where Callie gets her looks , her mum is gorgeous for an older woman.

"Hi Mrs Miller I am Blake. I go to school with Callie." I smiled

"Hi Blake, I am Sarah Callie's mum." She smiled sweetly at me

"It is nice to meet you. I just wanted to stop by and check she was doing ok is she around?" I asked

"Yes. Come in. She is in her room, the door straight at the top of the stairs." She smiled

"Thank You Mrs Miller." I smiled heading upstairs

I never even knocked, walked right in. Callie was laying on her bed, reading a book, lost in her own little world.

"Boo!" I called out, making Callie jump, nearly falling off the bed

"What the fuck dude? Are you trying to make me hurt myself even more?" she hissed "What are you even doing here?" she added annoyed

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