Chapter 34- Relationship status update

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Callie's P.O.V

"I should really head home." I said disappointed

It was nearly midnight which was my curfew at the weekend.

"Do you have too?" Blake pouted at me, rolling on top of me, pinning my hands above my head "No you are now allowed to home." He added giving me his best puppy dog eyes

"I need to, curfew in in ten minutes." I laughed

"OK it still sucks but you should get home. Though I want a kiss first." He said with a smirk

He reached down closer to my lips and I soon closed the small space between us. I loved his lips, could kiss them for hours. It was only meant to be a simple kiss that soon changed, things beginning to get heated. I giggled pulling away from him before we ended up having sex again. As much as I would not mine, I do really need to get home.

"Come on baby girl, I will walk you home or drive you home depends if it is still raining or not." He said pecking my lips once more before jumping to his feet, putting his hand out for me to take.

I hesitated, feeling comfortable snuggling up in his bed, not caring I was naked. I grabbed his hand, letting him pull me to my feet, pulling me against his half naked body, only material between us was his boxers which made me to moan loudly. He smirked

"I know you want me baby but you need to get home. We can have some more alone time tomorrow, my parents are away anyway." He said kissing me, his fingertips tracing my naked body

I groaned, pulling away from him cause if I never we would end back up in bed. I made my way around the house, finding my clothes and pulling them back on, Blake doing the same. We headed for the front door, seeing the rain had stopped, deciding to walk to mine. Blake locked the door after him, reaching for my hand and linking his fingers with mine as we headed down the street. I smiled to myself, enjoying the feeling of his fingers linked with mine, yet it still felt a little strange. I was Blake's girlfriend...what? He has never had a girlfriend and he choose me to be his first, it was still all a little surreal since you know he is meant to be "the bad boy" that does not do relationships and all. Plus it was strange for me to cause only boyfriend I have ever had was Ryan and it was only a few weeks ago we broke up. Maybe it was a little soon to start something with Blake but it felt right. I am not gonna let Ryan ruin this for me.

"You OK baby? You seem a little away with it?" Blake asked pulling me out of thought

"Sorry, still trying to get my head around all this. I never thought I would see you with an actual girlfriend yet alone that being me." I giggled

"Yes it is gonna take some time to get used to uh?" he laughed

"For sure." I giggled

He reached over, pecking my lips before we started walking in. We chatted and laughed as we made our way back to my house. We soon arrived and I was a little disappointed, not ready to part ways with him quite yet.

"Do you need to go?" he said sadly

"I really do." I replied in the same tone

He nodded, pulling me into him, wrapping his arms tightly around me, reaching and kissing me softly. I wrapped my hands around his neck, deepening the kiss. We pulled apart after only moments, Blake keeping his grip on me, resting his forehead against mine

"See you tomorrow beautiful?" he whispered

"For sure. Maybe we can spent the day together." I asked hopeful

"I would really like that." He smiled

He stole one last kiss before we pulled apart. We said our goodnights, Blake waiting until I was in the house before he headed back home. I closed the door over, resting against in and sighing in content. I can't believe after everything I said and done to him he still wants me. I will make sure to make that up to him and show him how I really feel.

"How did things go with Blake sweetie?" my mum smiled appearing in front of me

"Amazing. We sorted things out and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I said smiling brightly

"I am happy for you sweetheart. You need to get him over for dinner some night, let your dad and I spent some time together." She smiled

"I will mention it to him. I am gonna head to bed. Night mum, love you." I said kissing her cheek

I called out goodnight to my dad before heading up to bed. I decided to jump in a quick shower before getting ready for bed. Once I was done I checked my phone, seeing I had a text from Blake, a smile falling on my lips

Blake: Hey baby girl. You missing me yet? Xx

Callie: Maybe a little ;) hehe xx

Blake: I knew it. Sneak out, come stay at mine? x

I am not gonna lie I was seriously considering it. It is something I have never done before, would probably end up getting caught and grounded.

Callie: Maybe another time lol. You are gonna be a bad influence on me, I can feel it hehe xx

Blake: Maybe ;) Then again you are the girlfriend of the bad boy, people will expect some badass things from you lol xx

Callie: Nope! I am a good girl x

Blake: You sure were not a good girl an hour ago in my bed ;) xx

Callie: Stop! You dirty boy lol x

Blake: You love it don't lie. Check your Facebook, I sent you a special request ;) xx

Callie: OK will be back in two minutes xx

I went out of the text messages, heading to Facebook to see what he was referring to. And right there was a request from him. One to tell everyone that him and I were in a relationship. I never seen him as the relationship status type but I could not him but smile like an idiot. I never even had to think about it. I accepted his request, my profile soon saying I was in a relationships with Blake. I can only imagine the reaction of people when they see that especially Missy, sure that will give her another reason to hate me.

I grabbed my phone texting him back

Callie: I never seen you as the relationship status type on Facebook hehe xx

Blake: I never seen myself as the type to do that either but then again when it comes to you I do a lot of things that I would not usually do. What can I say you make me soft baby xx

Callie: Aw how sweet. Thank you for not forgetting about me after everything xx

Blake: Of course baby, I told you, you are the only girl I have ever loved and I would do anything for you xx

Callie: You really are a sweetheart do you know that? XX

Blake: I try my best beautiful. I am gonna try get some sleep, will see you tomorrow. Night, night love you xx

My heart raced every time he said that to me. I just wish I felt the same right now to tell him back. As he said though he has been into me a lot longer than I have been into him. Though something tells me it won't take long for me to fall in love with him too.

Callie: OK. Night baby, see you tomorrow. Mwah xxxxx

I smiled, sitting my phone down before snuggling up in bed. I was excited for this but also nervous. I was hoping no one would try ruin all this for me.


Hello everyone, 

Hope you are all good. Sorry not updating as frequently, just been really busy. 

Anyway only maybe another five chaps then this story will be done.  

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