Chapter 8- Spending time with bad boy

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I know I said there would not be an update for a couple of days but changed my mind cause already had the chap pre-written lol. Photo above is Callie's outfit.


Callie's P.O.V

Two hours had passed and Blake was still here...not planning to move anytime soon by the look of things. And as much as I hate to admit it...I am enjoying his company...what the actual heck?

"Are you planning to go to any classes today?" I laughed

"Maybe last two." He shrugged

"I do not understand how you get away with all the stuff you do." I said

"Cause my parents put a lot of money into the school and do a lot of things to help the school...I go, their money goes." He laughed

If that was anyone else doing all the crap he does...well that he and his friends do they would be expelled by now. I find it unfair they get away with it all, my opinion don't matter though.

"Must be great." I said rolling my eyes

"Oh that it is." He winked "you wanna go somewhere? You really need to get out of this house." He said looking at me

Go somewhere? I can barley walk where does he expect me to go? Plus I was still in my PJs and I don't think I can handle climbing all those stairs again.

"I aint even dressed. I can barley walk, where do you expect us to go?" I laughed

He jumped to his feet, reaching his hand out for me to take. I looked at him, completely confused on what he was doing. Blake chuckled

"I will help you upstairs to get ready. I have a car we can go wherever we like." He said

"Eww no you will perv on me." I said disgusted

"Callie I have practically seen all of you...that photo does not leave much to the imagination." He smirked "I promise not to perv, come on." He added, smiling this time

He was right I could do with getting out of this house for a few hours. I had been cooked up for 24 hours, I needed some air...a change of scenery. I nodded reaching for his hand, Blake helping me to my feet. He helped me upstairs to my bedroom, making sure I never fell which I nearly did...twice actually. I headed to my closet, Blake sitting on my bed.

"Is it warm outside?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him

"Yes." He replied

I raided through my clothes, grabbing a pair of shorts and a of my favourite outfits and a pair of sandal's to match. I headed to the bathroom, not wanting to get changed in front of Blake, he has seen enough of me already...more than he ever should have...he will be seeing no more thank you very much. I got myself washed, brushed my teeth and let my hair down from my hair tie, running a brush through it, leaving it down naturally. I never bothered with make-up, takes up too much time if you ask me.

"Blake I am ready." I called as I left the bathroom

Blake appeared in front of me, taking a tour of my body with his eyes before putting his arm out for me to help me downstairs. He helped me out to his car, helping me into the passenger's seat before running round and climbing into the driver's seat.

"Where are we even going?" I laughed

He went to answer, before he could his phone started ringing. He slid it from his pocket, looking at the screen and rolling his eyes...must be one of his play toys. He let it ring a few times before answering it

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