Chapter 19: The truth interrupted

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Blake's P.O.V

I skipped last class, not in the mood so I was currently waiting outside of Callie's house, waiting for her to get home from school. I wanted to talk to her, put it all on the table and see how it goes. I don't care if I need to spill every last one of Ryan's secret, she needs to know the truth. I was nervous, not sure how she would respond but it is only way I am gonna find out. I messed around with my phone, busying myself until she got here.

"Blake?" I heard, making me looking up

Callie was standing in front of me, a smile playing on her lips. That was better that the response I got from her earlier today.

"You wanna come in?" she asked

"Can we sit here? Talk please?" I asked

"Yeah sure." She smiled, taking a seat next to me

I turned myself around to face her side on. She was looking at me, waiting for me to start I assume. I don't know where to start that is the thing. I have never done something like this. I have never told a girl that I actually like her. Yes you heard me right, I like her.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I felt the nerves beginning to take over. Maybe this is a bad idea.

"Blake are you OK?" She asked looking at me

"I...I wanna talk to something but don't know where to start." I said turning away from her

I felt her hand land on my knee

"Blake you can talk to me." she said

I turned my attention back to her. She was looking at me, a concerned look on her face. I reached in without meaning too, pushing her hair away from her eyes. She closed her eyes over but quickly pulled away from me.

"Blake what is going on with you? You don't seem like yourself." She said

"I wanna tell you something but I don't know if I should." I said

"Blake you are freaking me out a little." She said

I took a deep breath and decided just to go for it. What is the worst that can happen? She tells me to fuck off? I have plenty of more girls that would be happy for my attention.

"Callie I have enjoyed spending time with you these last few days. You are the only person I can be myself around. What I am trying to say is I like." I started but got interrupted

"Hey baby girl did you miss me?" I heard a voice say, knowing fine well who it was...Ryan, what the fuck is he doing here? Is he not meant to be in England?

Callie was quick to pull away from me, jump to her feet

"Ryan what are you doing here?" she asked shocked

He stepped into her, placing his hands on her hips, pulling her into him

"My dad had to come to sort something out and I made sure he took me with you cause I missed you baby." He smiled at her

I sat there, clenching my fists at my side, trying to stop myself from getting up and punching him one cause he deserved it.

"You have barley spoke to me in a week Ryan. You have been off with me, so you can understand why I am surprised why you are here?" she said

I had to stop myself from smirking cause I do not think he was expecting that reaction from her. He was properly expecting her to jump into his arms and turn into a giddy mess.

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