Chapter 21- Heartbreak and truth

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Don't know where the waterfall is lol...I just thought it was really beautiful and perfect for the story. 


Blake's P.O.V

"Blake where are we going?" Callie asked, the first words she has spoken since we left the school twenty minutes ago

"A special place. A place where I go to try block my worries even just for a bit. I am sure you will like it. When we get there we can talk cause I do not want you keeping all this locked inside, that won't do you any good." I said

She nodded before turning back to looking out of the window. We were driving through a large forest that outside of town, it is always quiet and peaceful the way I like it when things are tough. I have never brought anyone here before, it was my place and I don't care how pathetic that sounds, we all need somewhere.

I stopped the car, Callie turning to look at me, a confused look on her face

"Blake why are we in the middle of a forest? Very deep in a forest?" she asked

"Do you trust me?" I asked

I was half expecting her to tell me no cause I am sure she trusts no one right now especially after finding out about Ryan, the one person she is meant to be able to trust the most.

"Yes." She whispered

I climbed out the car, running around to the passenger's side, helping Callie out of the car before locking it up. I reached for her hand, not sure if she would let me or pull away...she ended up letting me. I linked my fingers through hers, leading her further into the forest, not a single person in sight, the way I prefer it. We walked for a good ten minutes until I got to where I wanted to go.

"Oh my God." She gasped as her eyes fell on the scenery in front of her "I never even knew this was here." She added shocked

I chuckled, not many people do. I came across by mistake one day. My parents were fighting...badly, things were getting thrown around...thrown at each other so I left driving and stopped here, and walking for miles and that was when I found the waterfall.

"Not many people do I think." I said

"It is beautiful." She gushed looking around

I smiled at the look on her face, she was mesmerised with the place...wide-eyed and smiling. I led us over to the set of rocks, sitting down and Callie followed my lead. She sighed, running her fingers through her hair before she rested her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, reaching down and kissing the top of her head

"You OK beautiful?" I whispered

She never said a word, instead she shook her head, moving in closer to me. I could hear small sobs coming from her lips. I hated seeing her this way. I did not know what to do or say. I wanted to take her pain away.

What no one knows is Callie has meant something to me for a long time, when I say a long time I mean nearly eight years, maybe longer. I had the biggest crush on her when we were kids then when we were twelve I got the courage to kiss her, it was only quick and simple...a peck really but it meant more to me. As we grew older, my feelings for her grew stronger but Ryan got in there first. You see Ryan and I used to be best friends from the age of two until we were thirteen, that's when he changed...turned into an utter asshole. He just stopped being my explanation. He decided one day he hated me and that is when he decided to make a move on Callie. Yes we were still only kids but we were always more grown up than other kids our ages. He only went after Callie cause he knew I liked her and well you know the rest, they have been together ever since and he ruined any chance I had with her. Once he done that to me that is when I changed...turned into the person I am now...the "bad boy"...the kind of guy that uses girls and does not do relationships. The day they got together broke my heart and it has never healed since, but Callie does not know any of this and it is maybe better if she never knows.

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