Chapter 36- The heart knows what it wants.

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Hey everyone, this is the last chapter, epilogue will follow later today. I was hoping to keep it going but I honestly had no clue where to go and I never wanted to force it. I appreciate anyone who has read, voted and commented on it. More new stories coming soon, well once I decided which one I want to post next, too many ideas ha-ha. 


Callie's P.O.V

Blake and I were curled up on my sofa watching a movie. It had been one of our favorite things to do these last few weeks we have been together. His back was against the back against his front with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I smiled, I was crazy about him already. I groaned as I felt his warm lips press against my bare shoulders

"You OK baby girl, you went away there for a moment?" he chuckled in my ear

I slowly turned around to face him, be extra careful in case I fell to my ass off the sofa. Blake was quick to wrap me tightly in arms again. He used his free hand to reach in and stroke my cheek

"Was just thinking that's all." I smiled

"About?" he asked

"You are so nosy." I giggled

"Well duh! You of all people should know that better than anyone." He laughed

I reached in, kissing him softly, his lips responding to mine straight away. Blake's hand ran down my thigh, grabbing it and wrapping it around his waist. I pressed myself against him, rolling me hips slightly, his excitement beginning to rise in his joggers. I rolled on top of him, the two of us getting into a heated make out session on the sofa, glad my parents aren't home, that would be embarrassing if they caught us like this. I was grinding myself into him, Blake groaning louder every time I did it. I giggled into the kiss, still loving what I can do to him. As we were getting right into things there was a knock at my front door

"Ignore it." Blake grumbled against my lips

I decided I liked his plan, ignoring it and getting back to what we were doing, well that was until whoever it was knocked again, louder and seeming more frantic. I groaned annoyed, hesitating as I pull away from Blake

"I will be back in a minute, then we can get back to it." I said with a wink, walking away

"Oh baby I will still be right here when you get back, though I may be naked." He called after

I giggled, making my way to the front door. I had to clue who it was, whoever it was seemed to be adamant for someone to answer the door. I opened the door, standing on the other side of it was the last person I expected to see. Ryan...why is he even here? I rolled my eyes, fisting my hands at my side before I punched him one.

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed

"You Callie. I miss you baby, I messed up I know but my life has been miserable without you in it. Please give me another chance?" he begged

I am not gonna lie see if he showed up a month ago and said all these things to me I would probably have went back to He means nothing to me. All I feel towards him his hate.

"No chance in hell. You and I are done for good. Plus I am with someone else, now fuck off." I hissed

"Yes so I see. You moved on fucking quick didn't you. Does he know he is only your rebound from me? You will realize you don't want him Callie. You know deep down you still want love me, not that son-of-a-bitch." He hissed

That was more like the Ryan I had come to know recently...the real him. As he was saying these things to me he seemed to be getting closer to me and as soon as I realized that I was quick to push him away from

"I feel fuck all for you Ryan. You never deserved me. You broke my fucking heart. I will never want you back EVER!" I hissed

"Quit lying to yourself." He laughed "You barley even like him Callie, why act like you do?" he added glaring at me

Is he after a slap? Cause he is due to get one if he says one more damn thing to me.

"No I don't like him...I love him Ryan, love him more than I ever loved you." I said

My words took me by surprises. I meant them, I really did but I have still not told Blake I love him...hell I just realized myself two seconds ago I loved him. Ryan stood there, a shocked look on his face. He clearly was not expecting me to say that. Ryan went to step in closer to me, reaching for me. I was about to pull away, before I could there was body between Ryan and I

"Get the fuck away from my girlfriend you piece of crap. She does not want or love you so leave her alone. You messed this up for yourself one else. I told you, you were never good enough. I told you she would be mine cause she belongs with me, not you. You only ever went after her cause of how I felt about her." Blake growled at him

I could see Blake's body tense, his fists clench at his side. I knew if Ryan said one wrong thing to him he would punch him one.

"What and you are? You are a worthless piece of crap Blake why do you think she went with me first?" Ryan laughed "She does not love you Blake, you are a rebound for her...nothing more than that." He added

I could hear Blake's breathing become heavier, telling me how angry he was getting but he was not alone, I was angry too now. How dare he say those things to Blake? Before I knew what was happening I moved Blake out of the way and my hand connected hard with Ryan's face, making Ryan whine in pain.

"What the fuck you bitch?" he growled

"You have ten seconds to get the fuck away from my house. He is a better guy than you will ever me. You come near me again I will do more than slap up. Stay away from me Ryan for good. I love him, not you....I want him...not you." I hissed in his face

He soon backed down, turning and walking away from us with his head hanging low. I turned back around to face Blake to find him looking at me, a smile on his lips and strange look in his eyes

"You love me?" he asked

Oh shit forgot about that, maybe I should have told Blake first uh before I blurted it out again. I stepped in to him, wrapping my arms around his neck

"Yes I really do. I love you Blake, sorry you had to find out that way." I said

"I don't care how I found out, knowing you love me is all I need to know. I love you too baby, so much." He said his lips pressing against mine "With my whole heart." He mumbled against my lips

I deepened the kiss between us, walking him backwards into the house, closing the door behind me. I pulled away from his lips and reached into his ear

"Show me...make love to me Blake." I purred in his ear

"With pleasure." He said lifting me from the ground and leading us back to the sofa

I found it crazy that I seem to love Blake more than I loved Ryan even though I have only been with Blake a few weeks and was with Ryan for years. I guess sometimes time don't matter, the heart knows what it wants and mine wants Blake more than anything in this world. I was willing to do everything I could to make him mine for a long time to come. 


Aww they got their happy ending :D 

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