Chapter 26- Comfort, sleep over and losing control

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Blake's P.O.V

Callie and I sat at a small booth in a diner that was close by to the park. She was sitting across from me, staring out of the window. She looked sad...broken and like she was trying to stop herself from crying. It broke my heart seeing her this way knowing I can't do anything to protect her or make her feel better. I know tonight was the wrong time to tell her how I really felt but I could not hide it from her any longer especially when she believed I was only pretending. I know she asked me to give her time and see how it goes but I honestly still don't know if she really feels something for me or it was only because she was hurting when I told her and I was comfort to her. I was hoping that was not the case and one day...soon she would be mine.

I reached across the table to her, placing my hand over hers, giving it a squeeze. She slowly turned to face me, faking a smile but I could see right through it.

"You wanna get out of here?" I asked "Let me take you home Callie you look tired. I think you need to rest." I said softly

"I don't wanna be alone...not tonight." She said, her voice breaking

"You wanna come stay at mine? My parents aren't in?" I said

"Blake!" she warned, misunderstanding what I was saying to her

"Callie I never meant like that. I mean you can stay, as in sleep in my bed with me nothing more than that." I said, a little offended she would think I meant sex, then on the other hand can I blame her for thinking that about me?

"Oh...Ok...sorry." She stuttered out "I don't wanna be a bother Blake." She added looking away again

I sighed, standing up and walking around to where she was, sliding in next to her.

"Callie look at me." I whispered

She hesitated for a moment before turning around to face me. I could see her cheeks were wet, she was crying again. I reached in, wiping them away with my thumb. As soon as I touched her, her eyes closed over and a little whine fell from her lips.

"Callie you won't be a bother, not to me. You are more than welcome to come stay with me, tell your parents you are staying with Josie." I said

Callie opened her eyes looking at me, giving me a small nod.

"Thank you." She said kissing my cheek

"Anytime beautiful. Come on let's get you to bed." I said standing up, reaching for her hand

She never thought about it for even a second before she took my hand. I held onto her hand tightly, leaving money on the table for the bill before heading out. I see her chitter as soon as we step outside, the air was a lot colder than what it was when we arrived here. I took my leather jacket off, placing it over her shoulders.

"You will get cold though." She said going to hand it back

"Don't worry about me." I smiled

I let us to my car, opening the door for her to climb in first before running around to the driver's seat. When I climbed in I found Callie snuggled up in the seat, resting her head against the window. I started the car, placing one hand on the wheel, the other on her knee, Callie placing her hand over mind, linking her fingers with mine but not looking at me. I put the radio on, keeping it at a low volume, just enough to have some sound in the car cause neither of us were saying a word. The ride stayed this was until we pulled up outside my house and into the driveway. Callie climbed out, looking around and I see a small smile on her lips, she must approve. To me it was only house, not a home cause a home is not meant to be filled with arguments, fights, lies and cheating.

"Where are your parents?" she asked

"My mum is away to some spa with a couple of friends with a couple of days and my dad is away on a business trip, well that is what they tell me but I know better, they are both with their bits on the side." I shrugged

"Blake I am sorry your home life is not great." She said sadly

"I am used to it." I said, acting like I don't care

I led us to the front door, unlocking it and letting us in.

"You want anything? How chocolate?" I asked her

"That would be nice. I am gonna text my mum and Josie." She said

I left her too it, making us both a hot drink before joining Callie in the living room where had found her way too. She was on the sofa, tapping her fingers on her knees, looking around. She was nervous, not knowing what to do with herself

"Callie relax, make yourself comfortable. Take your shoes and my jacket off." I laughed

She giggled, nodding her head. She did as I asked, curling up on the sofa, sipping at her hot cholate.


"Better?" I asked Callie as she came into my bedroom in my joggers and tee after getting herself a shower.

"Yes. I could have stayed in that shower for hours." She giggled making her way over, sitting down next to me on the bed

"Wanna watch a movie until you fall asleep?" I asked

She nodded, climbing under the covers, pulling them right up to her chin. I never thought I would see the day where I would have a girl in my bed this way without sex following but as I have mentioned before with Callie it is all different. We choose a movie before I climbed in next to her, laying down next to her. As soon as I did she moved in closer to me, resting her head on my chest, her hand finding mine, linking our fingers once again. My entire body shivered with her being close to me this way. She must have felt it cause she was quick to move

"Sorry. I should not have done that." She said sadly "That is not fair on you after everything we spoke about earlier." She added

It was the first time she had brought it up since that second kiss and I went along with her, not wanting her to feel pressured about it.

"Callie it is OK. I don't mind you snuggling into me." I smiled down at her

"About that Blake. I understand if you don't wait." She said, her voice shaky "I could never ask you to do that, I know how much you like the ladies." She said, a small giggle as she said the last part

I could tell she was trying to use humour to make this conversation less serious but I never wanted that. I wanted her to know the truth, for her to believe me when I tell her I have feelings for her cause I still don't know if she believes me.

"Callie stop, please? I told you I will wait and I will. Yes I like the ladies as you put it but when are you going realise they mean nothing to me, not comparing to you OK? I don't want them, I want you." I said pulling her in close to me

"But it is unfair on you Blake. I don't know how long it will take for me to feel OK again." she said, stroking my cheek, her eyes staring straight into mine

"I know it takes time Callie, I have time to wait. There is no other girl stealing my attention...there is no other girl I wanna be with except you. I know your still have doubts about my words but I swear to you I meant every one of them I said to you." I said caressing her hip through my tee she had on

"Kiss me." she said all of a sudden

"Callie, don't cause you will end up regretting it." I said, trying to keep some self-control

"Blake kiss me." she repeated, inching her face closer to me, brushing her lips against mine

All of my self-control soon went out of the window.


Hello everyone, 

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter. 

what do you think, do you think things will go to far between them?

Do you think Blake will be able to stop himself?

What about Callie, do you think she is doing that cause she wants to or for comfort? 

Share your thoughts with me. 


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