Chapter 17

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Callie's P.O.V

"You wanna come in? Or do you need to get home?" I asked as we stood at my front door

I was feeling a little better than earlier...Blake has cheered me up with laughs, jokes, pizza and ice cream. I was not sure why he was being this nice to me but right now I was not caring I was enjoying his company, something I honestly thought I would never say about Blake. He was making me less lonely. I was still pissed and upset about Ryan...He had tried calling me back but I rejected his call, not ready to talk to him.

"Is it not a little late? Will your parents not get pissed me coming in at this time?" he asked

"They aint home tonight. My Grandma had a fall...she is OK but they are staying with her for a couple of days. It's Ok if you have other plans cause I have stole most of your night already." I said

He fell quiet for a moment before nodding

"I will come in. No rush to get home, my parents won't even notice anyway." He shrugged

I was sad for him that his parents don't seem to aint right. I smiled, opening the door, the two of us heading inside.

"Make yourself comfortable." I smiled at him

Blake headed into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa. I grabbed us something to drink before joining him.

"How you doing?" he asked looking at me

"Ok. You cheered me up...thank you." I smiled giving his knee a quick squeeze

"Don't get too used to it." He said a smirk playing on his lips

"Hey!" I said pouting at him

He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side

"I am only messing with you." He laughed

I looked up at him, smiling which he returned. He really did have a beautiful smile, never really noticed until now. Properly cause usually he is smirking at me after being an ass or a perv. I stuck my tongue out at him, prodding his side, making him chuckle.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked

"Yeah sure thing." He replied

I found us a movie to watch, the two of us resting back on the sofa. I could see him out the corner of my eyes watching me. I wanted to tell him to stop, instead I never said a word to him. I heard him let out a sigh before turning back to the movie. As we got settled again, his phone started ringing. I see him roll his eyes before taking it from his pocket, seeing who it was.

"Hey Austin." He said

A silence then falling, Austin must be talking on the other end. Blake nodded...why he was nodding I don't know, Austin can't exactly see what he is doing.

"I will be there in an hour. Gonna watch the rest of this movie with Callie. See you soon mate." He said hanging up

"Blake you can go meet your friend the now if you want?" I asked

"No, it is rush. They are at a party, they want me to come. You should come with me?" he asked hopeful

"No thank you. Not in the mood." I shrugged

"OK." He said sounding disappointed

It was not my thing, not really anyway especially on a school night. I can't be bothered being around people drunk, high and making out with each other...does not appeal to me in the slightest. I was going to the party with him at the weekend that should be enough. I don't even wanna go to that but he never exactly gave me much of a choice did he? I turned back to the movie, hoping he would not bring it up again...thankfully he never.


Blake left straight after the movie was done, trying to convince me to go with him but I refused, he finally gave up and went off in a huff. I ignored his childish behaviour.

I was curled up on the sofa by myself now, with a large bowl of popcorn binge watching one tree hill...damn I miss that show. I was feeling content being on my own for a bit, I liked some me time, who does not though? I heard my phone go off, telling me I had a message on messenger. I grabbed my phone, rolling my eyes and groaning when I seen who it was...Missy, can that girl not let me be? I opened the message to me met with a photo of her Blake looking very cosy.

Missy Graham: As I thought bitch he came running back to me. I lose hoe

Is this girl for real? She won? Won what? Blake? I was never competing for him so how can she win something we were not competing for?

Callie Miller: Is that meant to bother me? I could not give two flying fucks about you and Blake. You won? Won what? I was not competing against you for anything. I never wanted are just a crazy pyscho bitch that stalks him, get a grip of yourself...learn some respect for yourself Missy. He is using you, the sooner you realise that the better. And if you call me a bitch or a hoe once more I will not hesitate to punch you one OK? Now leave me the fuck alone.

Missy Graham: Liar, you have always wanted Blake. And he is not using me, we have an understanding of each other, something you and him will never have. I will call you whatever I want. Now stay the fuck away from my man Callie!!!!!!

Callie Miller: I have Ryan, I do not want or need Blake, get that into your stupid head OK? I have had enough of you and your childish behaviour. After this message I am blocking you cause I have better things to do with myself than listen to crazy ass bitch. Bye, bye now. Enjoy getting used By Blake.

I sent the message then hit the block button. I was done with her. I grabbed my phone, quickly sending Blake a text

Callie: Tell your gf to leave me the fuck alone OK? Cause I am sick and tired of her crazy, pathetic ass. Make sure you tell here there is nothing between you and I...there never will be.

Blake: She aint my fucking GF, how many times do I need to tell people that. Yes that is what you think nothing will happen between us. I still got my sight on you and that sexy ass baby. See you at school. Sweet dreams sexy ;). Try not miss me too much now xx

I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to reply to his text. Maybe I should block him too? I don't know what to do now. Yes he is a perverted jackass but I have enjoyed hanging out with him recently. I like his softer side than I have seen especially tonight when I started crying but I don't know if that is all an act to get from me what he really wants. I guess time will tell, until then I will keep my guard up around. 

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