Chapter 20- Some truth revealed

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Callie's P.O.V

Ryan was away...he was only here for a few hours before he had to leave cause they were going for the redeye back to London. Yes it was amazing to see him but at the same time something was different about him and I can't put my finger on it what it is. There was something bothering me more than that...Blake...the way he acted, the things he said to Ryan I don't understand. I did bring it up to Ryan but he said it was all lies and nothing for me to worry about. Again not sure what is going on with that but he has no reason to lie to lie to me right? We have been together for a long time. I am sure I am worrying about nothing.

I had no time to worry anyway cause it was time for school again. Josie was waiting by my locker for me, she had to come in early this morning.

"Morning." I smiled widely at her

"Morning. No Ryan?" she asked

"No he was only here for a couple of hours." I said sadly beginning to miss him again

"Oh well." She shrugged and I swear she rolled her eyes at me

Oh well? I was expecting more than that from her. The eye roll was a surprise, she likes Ryan...they get on.

"What was with the eye roll?" I asked surprised

"No reason." She said, smiling at me but I knew something was not right

"Josie?" I said sternly

She looked at me, pausing for a moment before opening her mouth to speak

"Callie you need to watch yourself with him." She said

Wait? What? She is saying that too now?

"Why do people keep telling me this?" I asked with a loud sigh

"I don't know the ins and outs of it but I know he aint as he seems. He is apparently a liar and not so nice." She said

"Who told you that? BLAKE?" I asked annoyed

"And Austin." She said

Why are they trying to cause trouble between Ryan and me? If he is that bad and they are really concerned then why don't they tell me the damn reasons behind it?

"People need to mind their own business." I groaned

"Callie they are only looking out for you. Blake cares for you more than you think." She said with a small smile "I gotta get to class...see you next class." She added

"Yeah see you then." I smiled

I started making my way to class. I see Blake in front of me

"Blake?" I called

He stopped, hesitating before turning to face me

"What?" he snapped

"Can we talk?" I asked

"No. Stay away from me Callie." He hissed before turning and walking away

What have I done now? What is with everyone today? I stood on the middle of the hallway confused and annoyed. I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me turn around and when I see who it was I wish I never. Missy was standing with a smug look on her face. This girl better watch her mouth cause I am not in the mood...she says the wrong thing I will slap her one.

"What do you want?" I hissed

"I see Blake doesn't want you and neither does Ryan." She smirked

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