Chapter 6: Showing off what is not his

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The awesome trailer above was made by KaylaLeBlanc02 who done an great job of it :D. It is also posted at the start of the story for any new readers but posted it on this chapter so the people who are already reading the story can see it too :D 


Blake's P.O.V

I was standing at my locker with Austin and Damian, chatting before class

"Austin said you struck out with Callie last night?" Damian smirked

"Well he is talking crap." I smirked

"What? You said it yourself." Austin laughed

"Yes that was before I paid her another visit once I left your house." I winked

"You fucked her?" Austin asked surprised

"Not yet. Got a date with her though, plus she is coming to this party with me next weekend." I smirked

Oh I bet she wishes she looked at the text before she sent it. Not like I had any complaints, just the sight of her photos hardened my cock...she really was sexy. I do not think she realised how I can use this in my favour. Does she really think I am gonna delete after she agreed to my requests? She should know better than that.

"What? How did you manage that? What about Ryan?" Damian smirked

"Oh let's just say she send me something that was meant to go to Ryan. As for Ryan he can go fuck himself for all I care. He is properly already screwing around." I said, pissed at the last part

I hated even talking about Ryan. I have to admit I still find what I done to him last highly amusing. But forget about him, he will be nothing but a distant memory once I have worked my charm on Callie...she will be like Ryan who?

"You wanna share what she sent you?" Austin smirked

"Sure, in one condition? You do not tell anyone else I have it or my entire plan will be ruined OK?" I said, the both of them nodding

I grabbed my phone, putting my passcode in opening my photos, getting the very sexy photo of Callie on my screen, showing it to them.

"Fuck! She is wonder Ryan is very protective of her. If she was mine I would be the same especially with a body like that." Damian groaned

"Damn!" Austin groaned

Their reaction was pretty much the same as mine when I see it. As long as they don't go getting any ideas

"Yes she is very sexy. You two stay the fuck away from her, she is mine. Keep your perverted hands to yourself." I chuckled

They nodded again, knowing fine well they have to go nowhere near her and I will make sure every other guy in this shitty place knows that too. I put my phone away, not wanting anyone else to see it.

"Basically you are blackmailing her?" Austin laughed

"I think it more of a bargaining tool." I winked

They shook their head at me, pretending to be disgusted, the three of us laughing.

"Your girlfriend is approaching." Damian smirked

I glared at him. She was not my girlfriend, wish people would stop saying that shit. She is nothing more than sex, that is enough when it comes to her cause if I spent too much time with her I was scream cause she is annoying as fuck.

"Hey baby." Missy purred, pressing herself against me

Was she not mad at me last time we spoke?

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