Chapter 27- Hoping for a better tomorrow

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Callie's P.O.V

I groaned as he finally kissed me back, his lips against mine were comforting to me. Blake's fingers wrapped in my hair, forcing his tongue into my mouth with a throaty groan, a small moan falling from my own. I had a strong urge for him...all of him but even though a part of me knew I should not, it was like the rest of me was disagreeing with that part. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, fighting his tongue with mine for dominance. He used is free hand to grip my thigh, pulling it over his hip, pressing himself against me. I could feel his excitement, feel what I can do to him.

I pushed him onto his back, climbing on top of him, pressing my body against his, his hands going straight to my ass, grabbing it and pressing my centre against his hard on. I moaned loudly, rolling my hips into him. I slid my hand under his tee, letting my fingertips trace the skin of his stomach and chest, every muscle tensing under my touch. Blake flipped us back over, my back against the mattress, pulling away from my lips, opening his eyes and looking down at me. His eyes dark, his cheeks flushed and his lips swollen from all the kissing. I could see the desire burn in his eyes for me. He was looking at me in a way no other guy ever has, not even Ryan. The way he was looking at me was turning my stomach into knots, making the heat between my legs rise. I have never seen anything sexier than the sight above me.

"Callie as much as I would love to continue this we should stop." He said through his heavy breathing

"Why?" I asked, panting softly

"Because I don't want our first time together being because you are hurting and in need of comfort. I don't want our first time together being when you are sad and vulnerable, it would not feel right. If you were any other girl I aint gonna lie I probably would not care but because it is you I do. I don't want to feel like I am taking advantage of you Callie. You deserve better." He whispered, his eyes becoming soft as he stroked my cheek gently

I knew he was right. I would feel like I was using him to make myself feel better and I aint that kind of person. I nodded my head "yes you are probably right, we should stop." I said softly

"Thank You. You need time to heal Callie." He smiled

"I know." I said sadly

"You will be ok beautiful, I promise baby girl." He said, reaching down, pecking my lips before rolling off me

A silence filled the room, only the noise from the movie in the background.

"I will be soon." Blake stuttered out

"Take your time." I winked and I swear I see him blush when I say that

"Shut up. I am only going for a cold shower, not going to do what you think you dirty minded girl." He chuckled before standing up, making his way to the bathroom

I grabbed my phone, realising I had not checked it in a while. When I see I had four missed calls and two texts it made me wish I never even looked at it, they were all from Ryan. I opened the first text that read

Ryan: Baby please talk to me? I love you. I messed up, they meant nothing to me. I need you, please Callie forgive me? I promise never to mess up again xx

I rolled my eyes, clenching my fists as I read it. How dare he? They? Again it makes me wonder how many times he has cheated on me without me knowing. How stupid am I? What sort of person does not see how much of a liar and a cheat there other half is? I really was blinded by love. I opened the second one

Ryan: Callie please baby? I miss you. I know you still love me, we can get through this. Xx

I decided I would text him, telling him exactly how I felt

Callie: You and I are DONE!!!!! I don't EVER wanna see you or hear your voice ever again. You are nothing but a lying, cheating coward. Yes I still love you but soon I will stop cause you don't deserve my love Ryan, you never did. I cannot believe you done this to me. I hate you Ryan. I don't wanna o through this again. I deserve better and I will move on. You and I are OVER, there is no other chance for us...I am done with you. Don't ever contact me AGAIN! I am blocking your number and you are getting blocked on all my social media accounts too. I hope it was worth it...I hope meaningless sex was worth losing me...losing what we had. Goodbye forever Ryan. Karma is a bitch and I can't wait until it comes around and bites you in the ass. I don't need or want you, now leave me alone you son-of-a-bitch.

I hit send then blocked his number. I felt fresh tears sliding down my cheeks again...felt my heart break all over again. I hated him. I don't hate anyone but right now I hate him. I know it is gonna take time for me to get over him...heal but I hope it don't take too long. I hope I don't make Blake wait too long for me. I know he is a bad boy player but I am hoping when he tells me I am different from any other girl he means those words. I hope there is a chance for Blake and I in future.

"Callie baby what is wrong?" Blake asked rushing over to me

"Ryan." I sobbed, handing him my phone, showing him the texts he sent, the text I sent him.

He sat on the edge of the bed reading them. I see his fists clench as he did, he was angry at Ryan, there was no denying that.

"He aint ever gonna hurt you again Callie, that I can promise you, not while I am around. Though I am proud of you telling him exactly what you meant and how you felt. You deserve better and I hope soon enough I will be that better for you." He said looking at me

I gave him a smile, reaching in giving his hand a squeeze

"I hope so too." I smiled

Blake climbed back in beside me, as soon as he did he pulled me into him. I never hesitated. I rested my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around him and snuggling into him.

"We should get some rest beautiful." He whispered, kissing the top of my head

I looked up at him, giving him a smile. He reached down pecking my lips quickly

"Goodnight baby." He whispered "Tomorrow is a new day." he added

"Night, night. Thank you for being here for me." I whispered

"Anytime." He replied

It never took long until my eyes began to drift. I was hoping tomorrow would be a better day.


Hello Everyone,

Do you think it was good that they stopped? I think it was good, safe them rushing anything. 

How are you liking Blake's sweet side? I am personally love it 


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