Chapter 33- The wait is over

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Blake's P.O.V

I stood there, staring at Callie. She looked terrified, like she thought I was gonna tell her to go away and I was done with her.

"Blake say something please? I need to know if you still want me or if I need to let go?" she asked, her voice sounding a little shaky

I grabbed her hips, pulling her close to my body, resting my forehead against her and wrapping my fingers in her hair

"Callie I have always wanted you, don't you know that yet? Don't ever do that to me again OK? You broke my heart Callie." I said

I hear a small sob from her lips, making me realise she was crying which I never noticed at first

"I won't I promise you. I should never have said those things to you Blake. It is just the thought of you and I terrify me. I am sorry I hurt, that was the last thing I wanted to do." She said, running her hand over my cheek

I closed my eyes, moving into her touch and brushed my lips against the palm of her hand. She whimpered before I felt her lips against mine once against. I held her tightly against me, scared in case she was only messing with me and would walk away at any moment. The kiss that began gentle soon changed to something more heated...more passionate. Callie wrapped her fingers in my hair, tugging at as we kissed. The fact that it was pouring outside never seemed to be bothering any of us. We pulled apart, the two of us needing to catch our breaths, both panting. She looked up at me, a sexy smirk on her lips and eyes full of lust and want. Shit! She was wanting be as much as I wanting her right now

"You wanna come in?" I breathed out

"Are your parents' home?" she asked

"Nope." I said

"Good." She said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me into the house

I kicked the door shut behind me, my back soon getting pushed against it, Callie pressing herself against me, reaching behind me and locking the door. I knew exactly what she was wanting. I reached in pressing my lips tightly against hers again. She reached for the bottom of me tee, tugging at it. I lifted my arms, letting her slide it over my head, throwing it to the floor. She reached in, running her fingertips down my chest and stomach. I hissed, my entire body shivering.

"Callie are you sure?" I asked pulling away from her lips

"Yes positive." She breathed out

I nodded, starting walking her backwards towards my bedroom, our lips meeting again as our wet clothing was taken off bit by bit, getting left in a trail behind us. We reached my bedroom, closing the door behind us. By the time we got to the bedroom we were both only in nothing but our underwear. I led her to the bed, laying her body down on it and came down on top of her. I pulled away from her lips, sitting on her stomach, letting my eyes trail over every inch of her body. She really was beautiful

"Blake?" she giggled

"Hmm?" I asked

"What are you doing?" she giggled looking up at me, dark with lust and want

"Savouring the moment." I said with a smile

I see a blush creep on her cheek, turning her face away from me. I chuckled, reached in and making her look at me again. I smiled when her eyes met mine again. I have waited years for this and now here it is but I don't wanna rush it, I wanna take my time with her...get to know her body...learn what she likes so I can pleasure her right. Callie reached her hand up, stroking my face before pulling my lips down against hers, her fingertips trailing down my back until she reached my boxers, hooking them and pushing them down. I sighed in relief, things getting a little uncomfortable with my obvious excitement growing. I kicked them off, pressing my naked body against her half naked body.

"Blake please? I need you." she moaned loudly

I let my lips and hands wonder over every inch of her body, Goosebumps appearing on her skin where my touch was just on her. I rid her of her underwear, leaving her completely naked below me. I have never seen anything more damn sexy and beautiful than the sight laying below me. Every inch of her was beautiful. I kissed my way over her thighs and between her legs.

"Fuck!" she called out, arching her back into me "Please Blake?" she breathed out

I kissed my way back up until I was towering over the top of her. Her face was flushed and her breathing heavy. Callie slid her hand between our bodies stroking me, my turn to groan loudly. I reached into the drawer next to my bed, pulling a condom out, ripping it open and sliding it on.

"Callie baby are you sure?" I asked

"Yes." She moaned, hooking her legs around my hip and ground against my hardened length

"Fuck!" I groaned, the feeling of her driving me crazy

I pushed forward, entering her, the two of us both moaning loudly, clinging to each other as our bodies moved together.


Callie and I lay there, both panting heavily as we tried catching our breath. That...that was something else entirely. My body has never felt as much pleasure as it did being with Callie in that way. It was like our bodies were meant to be doing that together. Having her that way, made me fall for her more, something I never thought was possible. Callie moved, snuggling into me, resting her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach. I wrapped my arm tightly around her, kissing the top of her head. She looked up at me, her face flushed and damp and a smile on her lips

"That was....something else." She said

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" I asked, feeling myself get a little panicked

Not like I have ever had any complaints in that department, but none of them were Callie. None of what any of the other girls thought I gave a damn about but this was Callie.

"A good thing Blake...a very good thing." She giggled

I relaxed after that, reaching down and pecking her lips. Callie snuggled in closer to me, placing soft kisses on my chest, my heart in return starting to pound in my chest. I decided right in that moment I was just gonna for it

"Callie can I ask you something?" I said looking down at her

She nodded her head. I took a deep breath

"Callie will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, my voice shaky due to nerves

"Yes." She said smiling widely at me

"Really?" I asked, Callie nodding "Please don't break my heart again Callie, I don't think I could handle it again." I added, still scared with the full thing

Callie moved, climbing on top of me, her naked body against mine again making me moan loudly. She reached down, placing her lips over mine in a sweet, pulling away after a second

"I promise I won't Blake." She said and I believed her

"Good because I love you, have done for years." I said done with hiding how I was feeling any longer "And don't worry, I aint expecting to hear it back because I know to you all of and I is still pretty new but I just wanted to make sure you know how I felt because I am done keeping it to myself." I smiled, reaching up and stroking her face

"Thank you for understanding. Though I need you to know Blake you mean a lot to me. I care about you a lot and my feelings are very strong for you, growing more with every day." she said

"I know baby." I smiled

"Good." She said reaching down, pressing her lips against mine, rolling her hips into me, giggling as she did "And if you let me I wanna show you how much you mean to me." she added

"Yes please too." I smirked

What can I say I have waited years for her so I have a lot of time to make up for.


Yeah! Finally! hehe.  

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