Chapter 16- Mr Teenage dream

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Blake's P.O.V

"Callie what the heck are you doing? Would you be careful woman?" I laughed

Callie was climbing up to the shoot...well trying to but with her ankle she was struggling.

"Having a shot of the slide duh!" she giggled

Callie and I had been playing in the park like a pair of kids for the last couple of hours. I honestly don't remember the last time I had this much fun or laughed as much. Callie seemed to be in her element

"And what if you fall?" I asked giving her a stern look

"Then you will have to catch me won't you?" she giggled

I chuckled, making my way over to her, standing behind her in case she did fall. I don't need her getting injured again thank you very much . She struggled but she got to the top, turning to me and winking

"See I am fine." She giggled sitting at the top of the slide

I made my way to the bottom of the slide, making sure she never fell right off the bottom when she came down. Callie counted to three before letting herself slide down, think it was a little faster than she anticipated cause she flew down it and if I was not at the bottom she would have went right off the edge.

Instead with my body there she went flying into me, knocking me over when she hit my knees, making me fall, landing right on top of her at the bottom of the slide.

"Really?" I laughed looking down at her

If anyone was to see us they would think we would be doing something we aint meant to be on the slide with the positions our bodies fell in.

"Oh My that was hilarious." She managed to stutter out through her laughing

"Glad one of us enjoyed it." I chuckled

"You love it. You are always telling me you wanna get me underneath you." She said, laughing louder

"Point taken but I was not really meaning in this kind of way." I smirked looking down at her

She reached in, slapping my arm playfully "Perv!" she pouted

"You are loving this...don't lie." I winked

She shook her head at me, eyes rolling playfully while she giggled away. I found myself smiling as I looked down at her. She really was breathtakingly beautiful. Suddenly she stopped laughing, a more serious look on her face as she looked up at me. I could see her gently nibbling on her bottom lip, she seemed nervous. I wanted to reach down and kiss her but I knew if I did she would slap me and that would be the end of the night.

"The swelling in your cheek seems to have went down a bit." She said running her thumb over it

She needs to stop doing that to me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as my eyes closed over with her soft touch against my skin. I nodded, not responding in case something stupid slipped from my lips.

"You planning on staying on top of me all night?" she said raising her right brow at me

"Yup! I am surprisingly comfortable." I laughed

"Yes it seems that way." She giggled

I felt her phone vibrate in her pocket against my leg. I decided to move, let her answer it. I was hesitant but done it anyway. She never moved though, stayed where she was, reaching for her phone. She answered it, putting her phone to her ear

"Hi." Was all she said, falling silent, the person on the other line talking?

"You know what Ryan don't bother with your excuses OK? I am sick and tired of them. Do what you want. Give me a call when you decide you give a damn again OK?" and with that she hung up her phone, pushing it back into her pocket, sitting up.

She sighed, running her hands through her dark hair. I could see the tears build in her eyes. Can I hurt that mother fucker?

"Callie?" I whispered but she refused to look at me

I knew she was crying. I crouched down in front of her, placing my finger on her chin, lifting so she was looking at me. She looked sad and hurt. I reached in wiping her tears away

"You Ok?" I whispered

She never said anything, she shook her head Instead...a small sob falling from her lips

"I don't understand. Maybe he has met someone else." She sobbed

I had a feeling she could be right about that one but I decided not to say that.

"I am sure that aint the case. He is an idiot if he has." I said stroking her cheek

She sighed, moving into my touch. Seeing girls upset does not usually bother me...I am usually the one that is making them that way but seeing Callie upset I hate it for some reason.

"It aint gonna work is it? Long distance?" she said sadly

"I honestly do not know the answer to that Callie." I said

With that she broke down. Shit! What do I do? I slid in next her, sitting beside her on the slide. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into me. She buried her face in my chest, sobbing. I was not used to being in these situations. I held her close, stroking her hair and kept my mouth shut. This continued for a good ten minutes...a silence between us. She pulled her face from my chest looking up at me. Her eyes puffy and her cheeks wet.

"Sorry." She whispered "I got your tee all wet with my tears." She added blushing

"Don't worry about it. You were upset. You gonna be Ok?" I asked pushing her hair from her eyes

"Dunno." She shrugged "I am done crying." She said perking up a little

I knew it was still getting to her, never said anything to her though.

"Wanna do something?" I asked "Like to get food and ice cream...You girls like ice cream when you are upset don't you?" I added

Callie giggled, nodding her head. I jump to my feet, reaching for her to help her up to. She reached in, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek

"Thank you." She smiled

"Anytime beautiful." I smiled back...the beautiful was not meant to come out "Let treat." I added

She smiled widely at me. I took her hand in mine, linking our fingers, and heading towards my car. I was getting a strange feeling with her hand in mine, it was making my palms sweaty. I was expecting her to pull away from me, she never...she kept her fingers linked with mine until we reached the car. I opened the door for her, letting her get in before running round and climbing in the other side. As soon I started the car my music automatically played. Shit! My guilty pleasure coming through the speakers...Katy Perry.

"Ha now I know what you were hiding from me that day." She giggled

"If you tell anyone I swear." I laughed

"You better be nice to me then." She winked

"I am always nice to you." I said, pretending to be offending she suggested other wise

"Yeah yeah...Mr Teenage dream." She giggled

"You aint ever gonna let me live this down are you?" I chuckled

"Nope! Now drive...I am hungry." She said

I nodded hitting the road, heading for some food. I smiled as I watched her out the corner of my eye, singing away to herself. I think I may have a soft spot for her.


Hey everyone, 

I know I said I was taking a break, well I kind of 

did for like 4 days ha-ha. But back now, only be updating once a week, 

well unless I get inspired then will post when I am feeling it lol. 

This story is not doing as good as I hoped it would but I have 

came to the conclusion that is ok cause I appreciate the people 

that is reading it :D 

Hope all is well 

AyrGal89 (Emma) 

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