Chapter 10- Ryan,teasing and selfies (Blake's P.O.V )

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Blake's P.O.V

Callie was laughing at the three of us as we messed around in the lake, shaking her head.

"Blake what is going on with you and Callie?" Austin asked coming up to me

"Nothing...yet. Just hanging out, gotta take my time to make sure I eventually get what I want." I smirked

"Nothing? I don't believe that. The two of you have been flirting." He smirked

I know I have been trying my best to flirt and tease but don't think that is what Callie was doing...why would she? I aint showed her my sweet, charming side entirely yet so why would she be flirting with me? She hated me two days ago.

"She was? I know I was, never thought she was though." I asked

"Yes. Dude how could you not tell she was flirting with you? You have girls flirting with you all the time, you should know the signs by now." He laughed

I looked over to where she was, she was sitting with her knees at her chest, her chin resting on her knees, watching us. She gave me a small smile when I looked at her. Hmm maybe she is coming around towards me, least it was a smile and not a glare like usual.

"Maybe. Would make this much easier." I smirked

"You are terrible Blake." Austin chuckled

I flipped him off, swimming back towards Callie, climbing out. And the same as earlier I see her eyes trailing my body for a moment before she quickly pulled away. I done my best to hide my smirk before sitting down next to her.

"You three are like a bunch of kids." She laughed

"You are jealous you could not join us. We could have had some fun in there, you and I." I winked

She looked at me with disgust. I never let it get to me, I laughed grabbing another beer. I grabbed my phone

"Callie come on get a selfie with me? I promise to keep it to myself." I said nudging her playfully

"No!" she giggled

"Please?" I said giving her my biggest smile

She looked at me, taking a moment to think

"Fine! One! But it does not go on any social media OK? I don't need another reason for Ryan to get mad because of you." She laughed

Ryan? Again? Really? I had forgot about him for a little while, why did she need to bring him up? I had to stop myself from cursing him and rolling my eyes at the mention of his name. I scooted myself closer to her, Callie doing the same. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, she let me. I was half expecting her to remove my hand.

"Smile Princess." I chuckled in her ear

Callie giggled, putting her best smile on and I done the same, snapping the selfie of us. I took two to be safe.

"That was not so bad was it?" I asked

"I guess not. You put that on social media I am coming for your dick and I mean to cut it off...not anything else before you even think it." She laughed

"Promise." I said holding my hands in the air

Damian and Austin soon joined us...Callie not sure where to put her eyes since we were all half naked. I think we may be making her feel a little awkward. She would need to deal with it until we dried off. Callie's phone started ringing, Callie quickly grabbing it from her pocket, looking at the screen and the biggest smile appeared on her face as she quickly answered it

"Morning baby." She gushed down the phone

Ryan! I rolled my eyes as she spoke to him. She was all giddy and giggling as he spoke to her.

"OK. Video chat later?" she said

A silence falling on her end, telling me Ryan was speaking

"I love you too baby. Talk to you later." She said sweetly into the phone

I shook my head as she spoke those words to Ryan. It was a waste of her breathe...waste of her time cause any words that came out of his mouth was lies. I wanted to tell her but I couldn't. Callie smiled like an idiot as she hung up. I had to stop myself from saying something to her cause it was none of my business...not really anyway.

"Ryan?" I asked trying to keep the venom out of my voice, obviously I knew it was him so I honestly don't know why I asked.

"Yes. He had a minute before he had to get ready for school." She said smiling brightly at me

"Oh." Was all I said?

"Maybe I should go home." Callie said all of a sudden

She must have sensed the change on my mood with the mention of Ryan's name. I was not ready for her to go just yet, I was enjoying spending time with...well time with her when she doesn't look like she is gonna kill me at any moment.

"Don't go." I said, the words coming from my lips making me sound desperate with the tone of them.

"You sure? I get a feeling you don't want me around any longer Blake." She said looking at me

"Callie that is not the case. I have no problem with you. It is him that I have the problem with." I said

I knew she would ask me once again why I have such a problem with Ryan but once again I was not gonna tell her the reason why. It was not my place to tell her, my loyalty does not stand with her, not in the way Ryan's should.

"Are you ever gonna tell me why you do not like Ryan?" she asked

"All I am gonna say is you can do better than him Callie and leave it at that. I don't wanna argue with you." I said turning away from her

"OK." She whispered

I was waiting for her to add to what she said but she never. Instead she turned her attention back to lake, getting lost in her own little world. She looked sad all of a sudden. I reached on, placing my hand on her knee, making her jump a little and look at me

"Are you OK?" I asked

"Yes I am OK." She shrugged

I knew she was lying to me. I am assuming she is missing Ryan and that is why she won't tell me what is wrong. I never wanted to push her or make her mad at me.

"Callie Blake said you are coming to the party next weekend?" Damian asked

"I don't have a choice really." She said, rolling her eyes

I chuckled, smirking to myself. I had to use something to get to spend some more time annoying and teasing her. She turned to me, glaring at me

"Isn't that right Blake?" she asked

"Dunno what you mean." I smirked

"You suck!" she pouted at me

"And you don't?" I smirked

"Oh I do, very well actually but you will never find that out." She said smugly

Damn! Who knew she has such a dirty mouth on her?

"Callie that is a disgusting way to talk." I laughed "Shame on you." I added

She smirked at me, giving me a quick wink. I was shocked with those words coming from her mouth. Callie giggled, my face telling her how surprised I am with her saying things like that.

"As I told you Blake, I have my own dirty little secrets." She said a devilish smile on her very kissable lips

"And Miss Callie? I will find every single one of them out, you wait and see." I winked back at her

She dismissed my claim, laughing. She should know by now I always get what I want. I will find out all her secrets sooner or later. 


Do you think Callie is flirting with Blake or just being friendly? 

P.S How are you all today? 

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