Chapter 35- First day of school as a couple

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Callie's P.O.V

"Come on Callie, who cares what they all say?" Blake said

It was Monday and our first day as an official couple at school and I was dreading it. Over the weekend I have had some not so nice message from Missy and her friends about Blake and I being together. Saying things like it will never last, he will cheat on you, he is only using you and Missy making sure to mention that she could steal him from me without any bother. When Blake seen these messages he lost it, he replied to them all telling everyone to fuck off and how they were jealous. Telling them he loved me and none of them were gonna change that ect... making me wish I could not let it bother me when really it does.

"Blake you aint the one that will get all the hate, that will be me." I said sadly

Blake shook his head, pulling me into his chest and kissing me passionately, my full body relaxing as he did. I could not help but smile into his lips. Once we pulled apart he rested his forehead against me, flashing his beautiful smile at me

"Screw them, they are jealous. I love you remember that, none of them are worth it. Come on baby girl." He said pulling away, reaching his hand out for me to take which I happily did.

I took a few deep breaths, heading in hand in hand with him. As soon as I did I could feel eyes on me. I looked around, seeing it was Missy growling at me, not looking pleased one bit. I know I shouldn't have but I could not help it, I smirked at her and her entire face changed. She made her way over to Blake and I, as soon as she did I see Blake roll his eyes. She stands in front of Blake, a seductive look on her face, playing with her hair

"Come on baby you know she has nothing on me." she said running her finger down Blake's chest

When I see her do that I snap. I pull away from Blake, standing between her and him

"Listen you bitch stay the fuck away from Blake, he is mine. I am sick and tired of you and your bullshit. It is time you move on, Blake does not want you so get the fucking hint. If I see you near him again I will not hesitate to slap you one. Now get to fuck and don't come back OK?" I hissed at her, standing my ground

She went to say something before she could

"Missy get to fuck OK? I do not want you and I will never want you again OK? Now please leave Callie and I alone OK? Move on, find someone you like...a decent guy." Blake said, his voice calming at the last part

When he spoke to her that way I see her full body change. I was expecting her to loss it and start again, instead she nodded and walked away, going to her friends. I was shocked the way she responded, maybe she aint as much as a bitch she makes out. She is a beautiful girl I am sure she can get any guy she wants. Maybe that is what she needs, a decent guy that will give her more than sex.

"Aw baby check you fighting for your guy." Blake said, placing his hand on my waist from behind, placing a gentle kiss on my neck

I let out a small moan, feeling him smirk against my lip. I turned to face him to find him smiling sweetly at me

"I gotta fight for what is mine baby." I said with a wink

"Oh that you do. Callie you do know I would never do that to you right? Cheat on and go back to her?" he said seeming a little worried

"I know, just need to make sure she does too." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck

"I am sure she got the hint." He smirked, reaching in and stealing a quick kiss

I giggled against his lips before he pulled away. Once he did, he places his arm around my waist keeping me close to him as he walked me to my locker. We never had first class first thing but he said he wants to walk me to class which I find really sweet of him. I grabbed my things I needed for first couple of classes, leaving everything else in my locked. I closed it over, turning around, Blake only a few inches away from me

"How long to bell?" he asked with a smirk

I looked at him confused, wondering why he was smirking. He stepped in closer, my back against the locker and his body against mine. I soon understood what he meant

"Five minutes, why?" I asked innocently

"That means I can do this." He smirked

His lips pressed against mine, kissing me roughly. His body was pressed hard against mine, making me weak like always. I placed my hand on the small of his back, holding his body in place against mine. The two of us soon in a heated make out session right against my locker, neither of us seeming to care that there was prying eyes around us. I groaned into his lips, feeling excitement stir in my body.

"Get a room you two." I heard my best friend Josie giggle from behind us

Blake and I hesitated before pulling away. By the time we did we were both a little breathless and I knew my face was flushed, could feel it.

"Blake step away from my best friend or you are gonna make us late for class." She giggled

"Fine! You are no fun." He pouted at her, making Austin, Josie and I laugh at him.

I went to step away from him before I could he stopped me, reaching into my ear

"After school you are all mine baby, I want a repeat of yesterday and last night." he growled in my ear

All I could do was nod, knowing if I tried to answer him it would come out as a squeak since my mind was on when we would be alone together. I reached in, pecking his lips. As I walked by he reached in, giving my ass a quick slap, making me yelp and giggle.

"Love you Callie." He called after me once I was half way down the hall

I felt myself blush as I felt people looking at me, surprised with Blake saying out loud how he feels. I giggled, shaking my head. I turned to face him, blowing him a kiss, making him smirk at me.

"Check you two out." Josie said nudging me

"I know, I am still trying to get my head around it. I love when he says those words to me but at the same time I feel bad I can't say it back to him even though I know he understands." I said

"I know but you need to remember Callie he has been feeling those things longer than you. Something tells me though that it aint gonna take you long to fall in love with him." She said with a smile

I nodded, agreeing with her cause I know she was right. I linked my arm with her, smiling like a fool as we headed towards first class. At least this morning was not as bad as I thought it would be, hopefully the rest of the day would be the same.


Hi, hi everyone, sorry i have not updated in nearly a week :( been busy. I think I am only gonna do another couple of chapters this story cause running out of ideas on where to go and dont want to force it but like always I have plenty of new stories to post ;) plus still have love and desire and Games of seduction to finish.  

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