Epilougue (one year later)

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"Marry me Callie?" Blake whispered in my ear as we lay on the bed of my dorm room...my first day as a college student.

"What?" I asked surprised

We have not spoke about anything like that. We were only eighteen...we just started college.

"You heard me...marry me Callie. Right now...just You and I?" He whispered placing soft kisses on my shoulders

He was being serious? I thought he was messing with me. I jumped up, looking at him surprised and confused

"Are you crazy?" I laughed
"What is crazy about that? I love you...you love me. I don't want anyone else...only You for the rest of my life." He said taking my face in his hands

"I want you too for the rest of my life Blake but is right now really the best time to do this? Should we not wait?" I asked

He grabbed me, pulling me into his lap and placing his hands on my hips, looking me straight in the eye

"We could but I don't wanna." He said with a smirk

"This is out of the blue isn't it?" I asked confused on where all this has came from

He was always saying he doesn't thing he ever wants to get married and now here he is wanting me runaway and marry him.

"No not really. I was gonna ask you weeks ago but decided against it. The more time I have had to think about it the more I realise you are the one for me baby. We are starting a new chapter in our lives, leaving all that shit behind us then why not do this to get the new chapter started. Callie baby you have been my whole heart for a long time. I want you to be my wife. If not right now baby please tell me you will marry me soon?" He said looking at me his eyes full of nothing but pure love.

I reached in stroking his cheek, Blake moving into my touch as his eyes closed over and a content sign falling from his lips. Did I want to marry him? Yes of course I do. Do I want to do it right now? I thought no but with the way he was looking at me...hearing him saying those words to me I was beginning to feel like I do.

"You aint messing with me right
?" I asked just to make sure
"No I am being serious. Come on you and I right now?" He asked his eyes bright

I was gonna say yes before I realises I can't...I can't do that to my parents...to Josie. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.

"Blake I don't think I can, not without my parents...without Josie and Austin there." I said hating part of myself for rejecting him this way

I was surprised when he smiled at me, a cheeky smirk on his lips

"I already asked you parents permission to ask you to marry me. They were not 100% behind the idea at first but gave me permission when they realise just how much I am head over heels in love with you." He said smiling like an idiot

"What?" I asked shocked
"We can wait baby, plan an actual wedding we don't need to do it right now I just wanted to see how you would react." He said a devilish smirk on his lips

"I hate you right now." I giggled

He laughed pushing me onto my back and climbing on top of me

"Don't lie you love me baby. But in all serious will you marry me?" He smiled

I nodded, feeling a few stray tears fall

"We can wait until we do our first year of college OK?" He said "Baby I really do love you with every part of me." He smiled reaching down to kiss me

"Maybe before our first year is up..don't know if I can't wait that long." I smiled up at him, running my hands through his hair

"Anything you want Callie. Just knowing you are now my wife to be is enough for me until we are both ready to get married. I will look after you in every way I can Callie you know that right?" He said

"I Know you will. I love you Blake so much and I can't wait to be your wife." I said through my happy sobs

"And the mother of my kids one day I hope." He added

"Of course. You and me baby." I said reaching up for his lips

This was all beyond crazy...good crazy. Blake was the last person I would expecting to spent my life with if you asked me that question a year ago. But now? I don't think I could live without him. Sometimes it takes a while to realise what you want has been right in front of you for a long time.

Well everyone here it it. Sad to see this come to an end but was the right time. Thanks again everyone who has stuck with it, appreciate it.

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