Chap 7: Bad boy to the rescue

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 Callie P.O.V

I was still in bed, trying to motivate myself to move and go downstairs. I slowly went to shift out of bed carefully when my phone beeped telling me I had a message on messenger. Who is that? Everyone is in school and Ryan will still be in bed. I grabbed my phone opening, automatically rolling my eyes and groaning when I see who it was

.Missy Graham: I thought I warned you to stay the fuck away from him Callie?

This again...really? The girl needs to get a grip of her damn self.

Callie Miller: and I thought I told you not to threaten me again Missy. Wtf are u whining about now?

Missy Graham: I know he was at your house last night and he is coming back over later

Callie Miller: And? Do you like stalk him is that how u know his every move?

Missy Graham: No I do not. Are you fucking him?

When is everyone gonna get it into their stupid heads that I do not want Blake? Maybe I should mess with her a little.

Callie Miller: Yes I am totally fucking him he gets me going so good

I giggled, hitting send and waited for her reply

Missy Graham: I fucking knew it you slut

Callie Miller: slut really? That is original. And for your info I aint fucking you bf Missy...we all don't want a shot on your bf dick...I would need to be desperate. I have Ryan...don't need anyone else. Now grow the fuck up and leave me alone OK?

Missy Graham: go fuck yourself Callie. Blake properly does not even want you anyway.

Callie Miller: Gladly.

That was all I put, not wasting anymore of my time on her but I quickly decided to text Blake.

Callie: Call your bitch off Blake cause she is fucking doing my head in

I slid my phone into my PJ pocket before pulling myself out of bed, heading towards the stair. I limped my way down at a time. I reached the last stair and my legs buckled, making me fall on my sore ankle hitting off the bottom of it

"Ouch! You fucker." I yelped in pain

I sat there for a moment before trying to get back up but failed. I could not put any weight on my ankle. How the heck am I gonna get up? My parents are working, there phones will be off...Josie is off sick and Ryan is at the other side of the world and I sure aint phoning the paramedics to get my stupid ass off the floor...they have more important things to deal with. I had one more option which I never wanted to use but it is better than me sitting here all day until someone gets home. I sighed, grabbing my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I found his name, hitting call. He was quick to answer

"Good morning princess and what have I done to deserve this delightful phone call?" he chirped

I giggled a little. What is he so happy about? Actually I don't think I even wanna know.

"Morning. I need your help." I said softly, embarrassed I even have to ask him of all people

"Help? Are you OK Callie?" he asked sounding a little concerned

"No not really. I was coming down the stairs and on the last one my legs buckled and I fell. Now my ass is on the floor and I can't get back up." I said

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