Chapter 3: Since when did the bad boy play nice?

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Callie's P.O.V

It had been a long assed day and I have never been this bored in my life. The pain had eased a little but it still hurt like a bitch. I still cannot believe that bitch done this to me all over Blake...Blake of all people. Josie had dropped my things into me but could only say five minutes, she had to be home to look after her little brother cause her parents had plans. She had dropped of the work that I missed in all my classes today, not too much though. I was watching crap on TV to try pass my time when my phone beeped, an unknown number on the screen. I opened it with curious eyes, wondering who it could be. When I read it I became even more confused

Unknown Number: Have you ate today?

Callie: Um I think you have the wrong number

My phone fell silent, telling me I was properly right and that is why they never got back to me. I sat my phone next to me, as I did it beeped again, the same person

Unknown number: It's Blake. Have you ate today? X

How does he even have my number? I sure as heck never gave him it.

Callie: How did you even get my number?

Blake: I have my ways baby ;) Now answer my question have you ate? And do not lie to me either xox

When did Blake become interested in my health and wellbeing? With him mentioning food my stomach grumbled, reminding me I have not ate since breakfast.

Callie: No I have not ate since breakfast. Why do you ask?

I was expecting my phone to go with his answer but instead

"I have food." I heard a familiar voice say walking into my house

"Hell no!" I called back

Blake soon appeared in front of me, a smirk on his lips and a taco bell bag in his hand. I licked my lips when the smell filled the air.

"Now that is not the way to talk to someone who has brought you food now is it?" he said looking at me "I will go if you like, take my tacos with me." He added

I knew I should tell him to go but I really was that hungry.

"Sorry. I am tired, in pain and bored out of my head. Thank You." I smiled

He nodded, coming over and sitting down next to me, passing me a bag with chicken tacos and chips. I opened the bag offering Blake some

"I had something but thanks." He laughed

"What do I owe you for the food?" I asked

"Nothing it's on me." He smiled

On him? What is the catch? He does not give anything for nothing

"What is the catch?" I asked suspiciously

"Catch? Can't I just be nice?" he asked laughing

"No. I have known you since we were 8 years old." I laughed

"Have a little faith Callie. I do not want anything. You can believe that or not." He shrugged, seeming a little annoyed

I never believed him but I was not in the mood for arguing with him.

"Thank you." I smiled digging into my food

I groaned as I ate cause it was delicious and I was so hungry. I heard Blake chuckle next to me. I turned to look at him, drawing him daggers, in return he chuckled louder and I found myself doing the same.

"You sure you don't want some?" I asked again

"Positive. How is the ankle? Do you need to go to A&E? If so I can take you." He smiled

"It is a little better. No I don't think I need to, thanks though." I smiled

He nodded, a silence falling between us as I ate. I ate every last bit of it.

"Callie I apologise for Missy." He said

I swear I am dreaming right? Blake does not do nice and he sure as heck does not say sorry.

"What is with that crazy bitch? You are screwing half the senior year and she says nothing but then I am one of the very few that aint screwing you and she goes all crazy assed bitch on me." I said

"I think she feels threatened by you to be honest." He shrugged

"I don't know why. I have a boyfriend and no offence I would never have sex with you." I said honestly

I swear I see him roll his eyes when I mentioned my boyfriend. I have never understood his problem with Ryan...with our relationship.

"She thinks I like you, she does not believe I only wanna bed you." He said

I found myself bursting out laughing with his words especially the first part. Blake James like someone? Think that girl is on something if that is what she believes. I turned to him and he never looked too happy...what did I do? What he said was hilarious.

"What?" I asked confused

"Why is that so amusing to you?" he asked

"Cause she is crazy if she thinks you like anyone for that matter." I replied

"Is it that hard to believe that I could actually like someone Callie?" he hissed

Oh I have pissed the bad boy off.

"Yes it is. Blake you have never done any more than sex, can you blame me for thinking that?" I asked

Blake sighed, shaking his head at me. He stood up, not saying another word and walked straight out my house. I never expected for that to happen. I have known Blake a long time and not once has he had a girlfriend which tells me he is not one for liking or feelings unless its sexual. I was feeling a little bad for upsetting him, maybe there is someone he likes, I don't . I felt bad for judging him as quickly. I decided I should text him. Yes he is a jackass but I am not one for making people upset, I hate doing that.

Callie to Blake: Sorry.

Blake: whatever Callie. You and everyone else do not know me as well as you all think

Callie: We know what you show us Blake.

I waited for his reply but it never came. I sighed, putting my phone down, getting back to watching crappy TV . I just wish 9pm would hurry up so I can talk to Ryan. At the thought of him I felt tears build in my eyes. It had been 3 weeks since I last seen him, well except through video chat and is gonna be at least another few months before I see him again when he comes to visit for a few days. I hated being away from him. I had gotten used to him being there nearly every day for the last five years. I soon felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. I grabbed my phone sending Ryan a quick text

Callie to Ryan: I miss you baby so much 😔 I love you. Have a good day xx

Ryan: I miss you too my love. I will talk you later just going to class. I love you baby girl xox

I managed a small smile when I read it. I could not wait to see his gorgeous face on video chat later. I decided I would get my homework done to pass time until my parents got home.

Hello again :D I decided to post chapter 3. I would really love to hear your thoughts on it. 

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