Chapter 14- The bad boy fighting over me?

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Had sometime before going back to work lol.


Callie's P.O.V

I had been of school for a week, my ankle a lot better which meant I was heading back today...Josie picking me up.

"Hey you excited to be coming back?" she smiled as I climbed into the car

"No...not really." I groaned

I was dreading seeing Blake, I have not seen or heard from him since that night after the lake when he was at my house. Also I could not be dealing with Missy either. I was also not in the best of moods cause I have barley heard from Ryan either these last few days...he has always had excuses on why he cannot video chat and quite frankly it was pissing me off. I was feeling like I was losing him and that was breaking my heart. I was not in the mood for anyone today...Blake better keep his distances from me.

"Still not heard from Ryan?" she asked sadly

"Yes for two minutes. He was going to some get together last night so he had no time to video chat with me." I sighed

"I am sure the two of you will get back to normal soon enough." She said giving me a small smile

"Hopefully." I smiled

I was not in the mood to talk, Josie sensed that and put the radio on. A silence filling the car as we drove to school. When we pulled up it seemed like half the school was out front, standing in a large crowd. I rolled my eyes, knowing what it was...there was a fight. People need to get a grip and stop encouraging crap like this, there is no need for it. They all need to grow up. Josie looked at me, her reaction the same as never appealed to us, got better things to do than watch teenage fights over stupid things.

Josie and I grabbed our things, linking arms to try get past the crowd without getting pulled into the crowd. We managed to get through, not even paying attention to who was fighting, well I never anyway

"Um is Blake fighting with the captain of the football team." Josie said

I looked seeing she was right, the two of them rolling about the ground, throwing punches at each other, everyone chanting and egging them on. Seriously what is wrong with these people? Blake seemed to be winning

"BREAK IT UP NOW!" We heard someone shout behind was the principle

They both got another punch in before they got shouted at again, two other teachers showing up and pulling them apart.

"Stay the fuck away from her Zane. You have been fucking warned...don't make me warn you again." I heard Blake hiss

"Like you have a chance, not when Ryan is still in the picture. Callie is never gonna want you." Zane hissed back

With that Blake went to go for him again. They were fighting over me what the heck?

"BLAKE STOP." I found myself shouting without meaning too

With the sound of my voice he froze on the spot, making everyone look at me. I ignored everyone, looking at Blake. I don't understand what I have to do with any of this. Zane looked at me, smirking and winking at me. I ignored him, turning and beginning to walk away from it all. I cannot stand drama.

"Callie wait please?" I heard Blake's voice behind me, I choose to ignore it

Next thing he grabbed me, pulling me around to face body against his, his hands falling on my hips. I looked up at him, he has a bloody nose, a bruised cheek and a black eye developing.

"What the heck Blake? Why were you fighting cause of me?" I asked annoyed

"Cause he was talking shit about you that's why. Plus he was telling everyone that he was gonna fuck you at the party this weekend." He hissed, anger in his eyes

"You talk shit about me all the time. You are always hitting on me...trying to get me to have sex with you, why is it different for you to do?" I asked

"Cause I would never actually hurt you Callie or use you the way I know he would that is why." He said, his voice a little shaky

He would never hurt me or use me? Bullshit, he would do both if he had a chance. I don't know why he is acting like he gives a damn about when he clearly does not. He has not spoken to me in three days.

"Bullshit! You would do exactly that to me if you had the chance. I do not need you sticking up for me Blake, I can look after myself." I said sighing

He looked hurt by my words. He looked at the ground, something was off with him. I felt guilty all of a sudden that he got into a fight over me. I sighed again, reaching in and rubbing his now swollen cheek. He closed his eyes over for a moment

"Come on let's get you cleaned up you silly boy." I said "I have a first aid kit in my locker." I added

He looked up at me, managing a small smile and nodding his head at me. We made our way to my locker, grabbing my first aid kit from it. I pointed to the bench that was in the hallway near my locker. Blake never argued and took a seat. I sat down next to him, grabbing his chin to look at me. I could see people watching us but I ignored them.

"Sorry." He said sadly

"It is OK. Just don't go it again OK? I don't want you or anyone else fighting cause of me." I said

I grabbed some antiseptic wipes, cleaning his face up a little, putting some cream on his cheek and around his eye. He was wincing as I cleaned him up, making me giggle.

"It aint funny." He groaned

"It kind of is." I laughed

He pretending to be mad at me but a smile soon appeared on his lips. I gave him a tissue for his nose, letting him clean it up himself.

"That is you all clean." I smiled

"Thank You." He smiled

I reached in, stroking his swollen cheek again, quickly pulling away. I stood up, putting my first aid kit back in my locker, taking a breather because I do not like the way I was with Blake a moment ago. I can't give him any ideas when nothing is ever gonna happen between us.

"Callie you OK?" I heard behind me, a hand landing on my hip

I knew who it was, my body was quick on telling me that. I took a deep breath, slapping a smile on my lips and slowly turning around to face him, closing my locker over. My body was between him and my locker, his hand still resting on my hip. There was a silence between us, his eyes staring into mine. I see his free hand move, watching it out the corner of my eye to see where it was going, it took its place on my cheek, his thumb brushing my hair from my eyes

"Callie?" he whispered

"Hmm?" I managed to whisper back

"I...I...want...actually never mind." He said quickly pulling away from me "Thank you again for cleaning me up." He added smiling

I nodded, smiling back at him. Not another word was said before he turned, starting to walk away from me. He stopped for a moment, turning to face me

"Can I call you after school?" he asked

"Yeah if you like." I replied with a smile

He winked at me before getting on his way. I lent against the locker, sighing and running my hands through my hair. What the hell was that all about? 


Anyone still with me? Ha-ha. I am considering redoing this entire story but will wait and see ;). Share your thoughts. Also check out my new story please Games of is gonna be fun, exciting and hot ;) hehe 

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