Chapter 11- Playing cupid and having fun

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Callie's P.O.V

It was after 6pm by now and we were still down by the lake, Austin had went and grabbed us some more beers. None of us were drunk, we were just having a good time. I was enjoying all their company, something I never thought would happen.

"Austin can I ask you something?" I said looking at him

"Sure thing." He smiled

I knew if Josie ever found out what I was gonna say to him she would kill me

"You know Josie right?" I asked

He nodded, looking at me confused on where I was going with this.

"What are your thoughts on her?" I smiled

All I can do is try. As I said Josie has been into him for a long time. He fell silent, thinking over the question I asked him

"I have not really spoke to her much since we were kids to be honest. Thought she is very pretty." He smiled

Pretty? Well that is a good start. If I told her that she would freak out.

"You do realise she has been crushing on you for years right?" I said

I see Damian and Blake smirk when I said that. Why are they smirking?

"She has?" he said, a smile creeping on his lips

"Yes. Is that a smile I see?" I smirked

"Well duh! Austin has had his eye on her for years." Damian smirked

Jackpot! Maybe I can play matchmaker but I do not know if Josie would love or hate me for doing that. I never thought he was interested in her, as I said she never seemed his type, she aint the kind of girl that he hangs around with.

"You have? Oh...yeah! Can I set you up on a date with her, please? I know you don't really do the full dating thing but can you let me try?" I said excited

He chuckled, shaking his head

"Fine! I will let you do that." He smiled

"YEAH!" I said clapping my hands, the three guys laughing at me

Hmm I wonder if she is feeling any better, maybe I can get her to come hang out with us for a bit. I grabbed my phone, texting her

Callie to Josie: Hey are you feeling better? If so wanna come hang out? X

Josie: Yes a lot better. I like that idea, need to get out this house. Get you at yours? X

Callie: I am not home. I am down at the lake, come get me here? X

Josie: Strange place to be but I will be there soon :D x

Callie: Ok see you soon x

I smirked, sitting my phone down. The three guys looking at me, waiting for me to tell them what is happening but I decided not to. I shrugged, ignoring them.

"What are you up to?" Blake whispered to me

"You will find out soon." I said turning to look at him, winking

I was only inches away from his face, his hot breath was tickling the skin of my cheek. I felt a shiver shoot through me with being this close to him...that feeling soon followed with guilt. I was quick to pull away, Blake watching me with intensity in his eyes. I gave him a small smile, sighing and turning away from him before those eyes of him drew me back in.

"You want me." he whispered in my ear, his hand falling on the small of my back

"No I do not." I groaned annoyed at him

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