Chapter 12 - Let downs and comfort

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Callie's P.O.V

"I should properly head home, got a video chat with Ryan in an hour or so, plus my ankle is pretty sore." I said, grabbing my phone to call a taxi

I was not gonna ask Josie for a lift cause her and Austin had fell into their own little world, flirting and laughing, never wanted to disturb them. They really were cute together, I could not help but smile at them.

"I will come with, we can split the taxi." Blake smiled

"Don't be silly. You stay here, enjoy the rest of your night." I smiled

"I will give you a ride home Callie, don't get a cab." Josie said, pulling her attention away from Austin for a moment

"Hell no. I set you two two are staying here, get to know each other...arrange a proper date." I said winking at her

She giggled, turning red, burying her face in Austin's tee, making us all chuckle. I called for a taxi which said it would not be long.

"Oh and say one wrong word to her...mess her around...try something you should not or hurt her in any way I am coming for you OK?" I said looking at him

"Yes mam!" he nodded

"Callie!" Josie said glaring at me

I gave her my best smile, Josie not getting a chance to say anything else before the taxi came. Damian decided to come with us, not wanting to be a third wheel with Josie and Austin. The plan was Damian would get dropped off first while Blake comes with me, making sure I get in the house OK. I told him not to bother but he insisted. Blake paid the cab himself cause it really never cost that much.

We pulled up outside my house, Blake running around to help me out the cab once he had paid. My house was in darkness, my parents must be out...properly a date night, found it sweet they still done that even after all these years together.

"You wanna come in for a bit?" I asked Blake

"Thought you were going to video chat with him?" he said, hissing the last part

"Yes not for another half an hour." I shrugged

"So I am good enough to hang out with until he calls?" Blake asked, sounding annoyed

"You know what Blake if you are gonna be that way then don't fucking bother." I replied back annoyed too

He went to reply before he could my phone went, telling me I had a text message. I grabbed my phone, Ryan's name on the screen. Why is he texting? He never texts when he is due to call me.

Ryan: Hey baby, I am gonna have to cancel our video chat for tonight, got so much work to do for tomorrow. I am so sorry, will do it tomorrow...promise. I love you xox

I sighed, running my hands through my hair and shaking my head. I was annoyed with Ryan, he has never done this but I know how important school is to him, I understand.

Callie: It is OK. Talk tomorrow. Night love you x

"Callie you OK?" Blake asked, forgot he was there for a minute

"Like you care." I hissed, opening my front door, heading inside

I went to shut the door but before I could Blake walked in behind me, standing awkwardly in my hallway. I turned to him, hand on my hip and glared at him. He chuckled, stepping closer to me

"What is wrong? Your entire mood changed once you checked your phone." He said

He noticed that uh? I never answered him, instead I wobbled my way to the kitchen, in need of some hot chocolate. I ignored his presence that I knew was behind me. I was not in the mood for him and his bad attitude. I busied myself making hot chocolate, trying not to cry. I hate that I can't see Ryan, it was hell. Only thing that got me through was our video chats and he went and cancelled on me for the first time ever. He has never cancelled any plans he has made with me the years we have been together.

"Callie are you crying?" I heard Blake ask

How did he know I was crying? I ignored his question, he was having none of it. I soon felt him right behind me, his hot breath tickling the skin of my neck. I closed my eyes, sighing to myself. His hand fell on my arm gently, turning me around to face him, by this time I could feel tear drops sliding down my cheeks.

"Callie what is going on?" he asked, reaching in and wiping the tears away

"Ryan cancelled our video chat. He has never cancelled on me for anything...EVER." I said now sobbing

I do not know why I was telling Blake this, he won't care, and he will properly be glad that Ryan messed up since he is always telling me that Ryan aint good enough for me. What is all that about?

"I am sure he has a good reason." Blake said, the look on his face telling me he did not believe his own words, he was only saying that to try make me feel a little better

"He has school work. He could have took five minutes to say hello, is that too much to ask?" I said wiping my eats away

Blake sighed, his next move knocking me off guard a little. He wrapped his arms around, pulling me into him and hugging me close to his chest, stroking my hair. What is happening right now? Why is he doing that? Why is he being nice to me?

"I'm sorry Callie." He whispered "If you want some company I can stay for a bit, we can watch a movie or something?" he added

I removed my face from his chest, looking up at him

"I am sure you have better things to do Blake." I said

"Nope! If you want me to I will stay for a bit?" he smiled

"I would like that. Sorry about the tears, I am such a girl at times." I giggled

"Don't worry about it." he smiled, wiping the stray tears away from my cheeks

I found myself moving into his touch, quickly snapping out of it and pulling away from him.

"Hot chocolate?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him

He smiled, nodding his head

"OK. You go pick a movie, I have loads in my room, we can watch it there cause my parents will be home at some point and we will not get peace." I giggled

"Sure thing mam." He smiled, heading up to my bedroom

I made us our hot chocolates, grabbing some other drinks and snacks before heading to the stairs, Blake standing at the top of them. He must have been waiting for me cause he soon ran down, coming to me, grabbing the things from my hands

"You wait right there. I will come back down and help you in a minute." He said rushing off

I giggled, waiting for him. He helped me upstairs, into my bedroom and onto the bed before slipping his shoes off and sitting next to me. Tell me again why I think it was a good idea to let him into my room...alone with me? I was hoping he would behave and not annoy me cause if he did with the mood I am in I would properly end up slapping him one.


How are we all tonight?

How do think the night will go? Can he behave for the night?

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