Chapter 25- Will you wait for me?

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Callie's P.O.V

"Callie?" I heard behind me

I knew who it was. I refused to turn around and look at him. I don't ever want him seeing me cry again, not because of him, well partly him. I never said a word or made a single move.

"Callie?" he said again

"Fuck off Blake." I hissed

I heard footsteps, hoping that was him walking away but my hopes were shot down when he appeared in front of me. He was standing looking at me, hands stuffed in his jeans pocket.

"Can we talk?" he asked

"No, we cannot fucking talk." I hissed, glaring at him

He stepped in closer to me, standing in front of me, seeming annoyed. What has he got to be annoyed about? Yes he poured his heart out to me more or less but he never gave me a chance to respond, instead he went and fucked some girl.

"What is your problem? I am the one that should be mad not you Callie." He hissed

"Really? And how is that? Please tell me?" I hissed jumping to my feet

"I told you how I felt about you and you never said a damn thing about it. Do you know how hard that was for me to do that?" he replied

"That is cause you never gave me time to respond, you ran off. Hard for you to do? Really? I thought lying comes easily to you." I said annoyed

"Lying? I was not lying Callie. I meant everything I said to you." He sighed, his voice calmer

Does he expect me to believe that?

"Yes sure you did, that is why with in what half an hour of leaving you were screwing some other chick? Yes that totally sounds like you have feelings for me. You know what I am done with you...done with guys, you are all the same. Liar and cheaters, stay the fuck away from me Blake for good." I hissed pushing him away, walking away from him

I rushed off, well tried but I never got far before I was getting grabbed by my hips and pulled back around. Blake pulling me into him, pulling me against his hard chest, his grip tightening on my hips, his eyes boring into me. His eyes seemed dark...seemed different as he looked at me, my breath hitching in my throat with the way he was looking at me.

"I am not fucking Ryan Callie, don't you dare put me with him. I was not lying. I meant every damn word I said to you. You rejected me Callie, you never said a damn thing and that hurt, she was just someone to try stop myself from hurting. She meant nothing to me Callie. I don't want her, I want you one else." He said

"I don't believe you." I said, trying to stop myself from crying

He looked at me, the darkness gone, it was replaced with sadness. I know the words I said to him hurt him but how can he expect me to believe him?

"Callie you know I am telling you the truth." He whispered, placing his hand on my cheek

I refused to look at him, shaking my head. He placed his finger on my chin, lifting it, making me look at him but I closed my eyes over. I refused to believe any of what he was telling me. All of a sudden I felt his warm lips press against mine. I froze, hesitating to kiss him back but that made him kiss me harder, his lips were begging for mine to kiss him back. He placed his hand on the small of my back, pulling me in closer to him. I felt my full body become weak and before I knew what I was doing I was kissing him back. As soon as I kissed him back, he growled against my lips, his hand moving from my face, wrapping his fingers in my hair. I lifted my arms, snaking them around his neck. Our bodies pressed tight together. My body was responding to his touch...his lips the same way they did at the waterfall earlier today.

I feel Blake's tongue over my lip, wanting more access to them. I happily parted my lips, Blake pushing his tongue into my mouth, founding mine. He massaged his tongue with mine, our tongues dancing together. I moaned into his lips, making him smirk. Blake walked us backwards until my back hit something, assuming it was a tree. He pressed me against it, pressing his body into mine. I found myself getting a strong urge for him, my full body was calling out for him to touch it. I was breathless and I could feel my heart racing in my chest as we stood there making out with one and other. We pulled apart after what felt like a long time, needing to breath.

"Do you still want to tell me all those things I said to you were lies Callie?" he said through his more than usual heavy breathing

"I...I...don't know." I managed to stuttered out, running my thumb over my tingling lips

"Callie I need to know if you feel the same or am I wasting my time with you? I have waited for you for a long time Callie but I need to know if there is any point in it?" he asked, stroking my cheek with his thumb

I looked at him, studying him closely. Do I feel the same? Do I want to be with him? I honestly don't know. I only broke up with Ryan not even two hours ago, my feeling and emotions are all over the place. I stood there watching him as I did I felt a flutter in my heart. It was like my heart was telling me one thing while my head was saying another.

Blake reached in, resting his forehead against mine

"I need to know if there is ever a chance for us Callie?" he whispered, a hopefulness to his voice but a fear in his eyes

"Can you wait a little longer Blake for me? It is too soon to jump into anything right now, not when my heart is still breaking. It would be unfair on you if I said yes and my heart was not in it. Do I mean enough to you for you to wait just that little bit longer? If not I understand." I stuttered out, my hands shaking

Blake reached in, taking both my hands in his, stopping them from shaking

"Yes I will wait Callie. Please don't make me wait too long OK?" He said

"I will try. Thank you." I whispered

"I have told you before I would do anything for you Callie. I know you said you need more time but can I kiss you again? I have waited five years to do, can I have one more kiss?" he whispered

I nodded, reaching for his lips once again. The kiss was gentle and slow, only lasting a moment or two before we pulled apart

"I am here when you need me Callie. I am here when you are ready." He said smiling at me

"I know. I promise not to make you wait too long. I just need to sort my heart and head out." I said

"I know beautiful...I know. Can I take you home?" he asked

"I don't wanna go home, not right now. Can we go somewhere just you and I?" I asked

"Sure thing. Come on, let's go grab some food." He smiled

I nodded, Blake taking my hand in his, linking our fingers as he walked us to his car. My head and heart was all over the place. I was just hoping I would not make him wait for too long and he would change his mind. I was hoping this would not end all in disaster.


Hello Again *Waves* 

So what do you think? 

Will Blake wait for her?

Will Callie make him wait too long? 

Share your thoughts with me 


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